Saturday, April 01, 2006

Climbing up sunshine mountain

The sun is shining, the dog (much better now) is snoozing at my feet and my partner is doing the washing up. All should be well, and I suppose it is, but I'm struck by how quickly life can turn. I was on the tube yesterday when a woman, Russian or Polish I think, took a call on her mobile. She started crying hysterically, it transpired that her grandmother had just died. She didn't care who could see or hear her as she sobbed almost uncontrollably. At first everyone pretended she wasn't there, but I became more and more concerned and also, suddenly very claustrophobic as a result of her grief so I leaned over and asked, are you alright? Knowing full well that she wasn't. She told me her beloved grandmother had just died. My asking her, prompted others to spring into action, well, in that muted English way we have of responding to a crisis; a woman offered her a tissue and a man patted her arm. So she went in a brief moment of time to being an outwardly care-free young woman, to a vulnerable and helpless soul, miles away from home, her face as she left the train a rictus of grief and sorrow. I hope there was someone to be with her when she finally got home.
When I got to London Bridge there was a man being escorted from the station. He had been running up to people and shouting hallelujah in a really aggressive way. You don't really expect that at London Bridge station; at a revivalist meeting or a church, perhaps. Or maybe my ancestor Dr. David Livingstone said it after convincing himself that he had transformed the lives of native peoples in Africa and embraced them in the sweaty arms of Christianity, when in actual act they were saying, 'love what he's trying to do by ending slavery, but this religious nonsense has got to stop'. There - although terribly misguided - a hallelujah has a place. But you don't expect aggressive hallelujahs at London Bridge where frankly it's just a little unsettling.
I personally had some bad news myself yesterday, but in some ways it has helped to clarify things for me and made me realise that sometimes, you really do only have yourself to fall back on... Luckily I have sturdy thighs and a low centre of gravity otherwise I might have fallen flat on my arse.
We plan to buy things for the garden today, which I'm looking forward to. The dog wants his walk in the meantime and I need to put on something a little more substantial than bed shorts and a t-shirt. Have a nice Saturday!


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