Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Hope is a strange and precious thing. I’ve realised over the last couple of days how much I’ve been hoping. From small not-really-that-important-in-the-big-scheme-of-things things to life changing things. My partner’s best friend is pregnant, and is currently in hospital and risks losing her baby through complications. If I could physically cross every part of me I would. We think the worst is over but she will be hospital for several more weeks. We keep hoping and sending good thoughts but in cases like this, it just doesn’t seem enough – or is it?

I’ve just submitted a job application for a job I really want and I find myself thinking about it at odd times – what would I do for this part of the project, how would I solve that problem – and all the time I’m hoping that I at least get an interview…

… because if I do get this job, it means we can step up our house-hunting in Cornwall. I’ll have to move away from my family, which I’m dreading, but at the moment, we’re finding long-distance house-hunting very difficult. At least if I took some temporary digs in Cornwall I could go to viewings every week.

Last night my partner made marmalade and be both spent a good hour hoping it would set!

And I’ve even entered a competition that I hope I win… Basically it’s all about the hope…

I believe in karma – do something nice, something nice happens to you – but I wonder (and I’m not well versed on my Eastern philosophies) if karma isn’t just about the action but about the process. Do something nice and you not only have something nice happen to you, but you have the strength to hope and not give up when everthing seems overwhelming.

It’s all a bit much for my tired brain to handle, so instead I’m going to up my being nice and doing good because I want our friend to be better (and she will be) and I would really like an interview for this job. The rest is up to the universe and I fully appreciate that the universe may well decide that well-set marmalade just isn’t a priority right now…

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