Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Interview preperation and a grandfather clock...

It’s been a stressful day and I’ve spent a fortune in Staples. Oh, and the Sky remote isn’t working either!

It’s the last day before my interview and I did my interview prep with a friend yesterday evening (I was terrible but it was really useful and helped loads). I finished off my presentation this morning and am now just doing some research. When I do a presentation, I always do extra copies to leave with the interview panel so they can go over the presentation afterwards. So I popped along to Staples this morning to get some nice presentation folders and some more paper because to run out of paper would have been a small disaster! I looked at ink cartridges but we had bought ink very recently and so I moved on...

That was until I got back home, realised I did indeed need to change the ink cartridge and couldn’t find where we put the new ones. Two phone calls to my partner with no response and I realise (a) she’s in a meeting and (b) I was wasting time and just had to get back in the car and go to Staples. Again. This time I also bought a few other bits.

I got back in time to meet the delivery men who had brought the grandfather clock, that we have inherited from my partner’s grandfather (funnily enough), up from Hove. Luckily they put it back together quickly and efficiently and then it was off out again this time with the dogs who were demanding to know what the hell had happened to their morning walk. The walk was nice – someone had a bonfire and it smelt lovely – and I began to calm down. The dogs ran around like lunatics and now we’re all back home on the sofa with two thirds of us asleep, one third of us snoring, and a remote control that refuses to do what it’s told. I also have a pile of research (thicker than most novels) I need to get through, preferably before my partner gets home because I need to also do a huge – and I do mean huge – pile of washing up. Put it this way, I had to make my coffee with a chopstick this morning and that’s not an easy thing to do...

I also need to eat at some point, pack a bag and maybe even try to fit in some rest and relaxation. Although there seems to be fat chance of that so far!

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