Thursday, April 06, 2006

What's that Skippy, Pluto's trapped?!

I came home yesterday to find that Pluto had got himself trapped in the spare room. Not one to panic, he had created a den amongst a pile of cushions, pillows and a freshly washed duvet. When he didn't greet me at the door, I guessed immediately where he was. Letting myself into the bedroom a furry face appeared over a pile of bed linen and yawned. Then he realised I was home and leapt off the bed sending everything everywhere. He's done this so often that you would think he would learn a lesson, but apparently not. Other than being a bit thirsty he was fine.
Working from home today, just as well - I have so much to do at the moment, I need the peace and quiet of my home office... except when Pluto dumps a slobbery toy in my lap and demands I play with him. My office colleagues have never done that!
At the moment Pluto is quite fractious when he first goes to bed; foxes in the garden, our neighbour going out for a smoke, a dog barking a street away and off he goes with that deep, sonorous bark of his. He seems to settle down after an hour or so, but it's making us all a bit stressed. I'm on the lookout for a herbal relaxant for him and will be paying a visit to my local pet shop on my lunch break. Incidentally; pet shops may be a little more expensive than say, a supermarket. But they have a lot of experience and more time to chat to you, which is invaluable. Also, this pet shop is owned and run by women (gay women I think) and I'm a great believer in supporting your own community, and local commerce.
I had some rubbish daytime TV on in the backround and I was just about to snap it off, when I realised it was City Hospital, featuring Guy's Hospital the same hospital that is treating my mum for breast cancer at the moment. She is now on Herceptin and through everything she has been through; chemo, radiotherapy, mastectomy, they have treated her with kindness and respect. So bad TV, but a GREAT hospital.
Anyway, enough of this nonsense, if I don't get some work done, I'm for the high jump...


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