Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I’m going to a drinks reception at City Hall tonight with my partner. It’s the Mayor’s reception to celebrate International Women’s Day. I’m not sure why I got invited - is there a “enjoys free booze and all round good egg” invite category…? - but I do seem to be on a list for LGBT and Women's stuff...

I left the car at home because there’s no parking near the GLA unless you’re a blue badge holder. Consequently I commuted by train today and had to sit near someone who needed a bath. It’s just not what you need in the morning when you are so much more delicate. I didn’t feel claustrophobic on the train which was a huge relief. (My claustrophia had become almost unbearable in the last few months of commuting by train and was the second reason I made the decision to drive to work; the first reason being my uber dodgy knees. I have always suffered claustrophobia to a greater or lesser degree but it got markedly worse since my mother’s diagnosis of breast cancer two years ago.)

Yesterday was a special day. It was the dog’s first ‘evening walk in the park’ of the year! He always has his morning walk in the park, but during the winter I road walk him in the evening. It gets so dark and there are no lights so I can’t see the other dogs and people. And if you have a dog off the lead, you must be able to see everything around you in case the situation dictates that he needs to be put back on the lead, or even that you need to change direction because of an overly aggressive dog etc. So yesterday I got home and we went and enjoyed the last of the sunshine.

I have lots to do as per, but all I can think about is the rather lovely sandwiches I made for my lunch. When it comes to this time of the day, I have a one-track mind…

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