Navigating my way to safety
Yesterday was a bit of a drama. For a couple of weeks now, there’s been an intermittent noise when I use the brakes on the car - not very frequent and not very loud. But driving home on Tuesday night, the noise became much more frequent and much more loud! I was so concerned that I called Green Flag when I got home. (I have a very high level of cover and get home assistance too). The woman I spoke to was helpful and nice and told me which local garage would be responding to my call. And bloody hell did they respond quickly! A mechanic turned up less than half and hour later with ID. Turns out I had no brake pads and had possibly damaged the disk! OK, so my knowledge of cars is extremely basic but this really hadn’t been going on very long at all so to know that the pads were completely worn away and the disks potentially damaged in such a short space of time was a little worrying.
The next morning I organised a home work day and took Peggy into Kwik Fit. They did a brake inspection and ended up replacing the disks and pads. I have to say although the £130 bill made me a bit teary eyed, I did thank my guardian angel that I drive a Ford. The guy in front of me in the queue also needed two new brake disks and pads but because he drove a high end Saab (turbo, convertible etc., etc.) his bill was over £400!
So credit where it's due, both Green Flag and Kwik Fit provided a speedy, efficient and friendly service. Thanks to them, I’m now safely back on the road!
I ordered a very expensive Sat Nav the other evening. I’m not saying how much because it still makes me wince but it’s a top of the line Blaupunkt with all sorts of exciting software that should make even the most complicated journey easy peesy; as well as some extras like an MP3 player and a video player…
Tonight the in-laws are over for dinner, tomorrow I spend the day with the RNLI on a photo assignment, Saturday we’re off camping!
S’all go!
Labels: brake pads, Green flag, Kwik fit, sat nav
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