Friday, June 01, 2007

TV licences, chickens and photography

I had a lie-in this morning and it made all the difference. So much so that after a healthy breakfast I started work and have achieved more this morning than I have all week!

So today I have to drop off the statement and documents to the court that’s handling the trial of the century – my ‘30 days out of date TV licence that as soon as we realised was out of date was replaced immediately’. My partner and I are both a little nervous about being hit with a massive fine. We’re hoping the case is seen for what it is, an accidental oversight, but I guess it depends on all manner of things. I’ll let you know. But to be honest, once I’ve hand-delivered the stuff I’m going try and put it all out of my mind.

College tonight but I have no photos. I haven’t had the time and / or inclination which is a shame. I’m really struggling with this new term. I joined to become a better photographer and just as that happened, we were told we had to use other cameras which we weren’t familiar with, and often, due to the age of the cameras, have significant operating differences. Ah well, it's a small problem in the big scheme of things.

Country smallholding magazine arrived this morning! I was very excited but haven’t had the time to read it yet. I wanted to check it out before I subscribed and you can buy each new issue individually. If it’s well written and helpful, then I may just indulge… even if I never get a small holding, I’ll always know how to care for rare-breed chickens!!

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