Thursday, April 24, 2008

No more pocket money for you...

We had a lovely chat with our neighbour last night who was impressed that our chickens were already so tame (tame enough for Tabitha to dump on my leg anyway). We let them stretch their legs in the garden and fed them some more pellets and greens (which they love) whilst I noticed all the bits I’d missed when I painted the hen house. It was so mild that we were out chatting for about 40 minutes in just shorts and t-shirts and it felt lovely. Today of course it’s quite literally thunder and lightning, but that’s what we’ve come to expect with our weather: the unexpected!

I’m really excited about going down to Cornwall tomorrow. I’ve got to do some work tonight as well as tomorrow, so I can knock off early and still get everything done. It feels like a timely escape what with work continuing to try and win the Oscar for ‘general crappiness’. Another consultant has been brought it. I don’t know if this one’s any good because I’m not having any dealings with him, but I’m prepared to hazard a guess...

One of our senior managers has announced she is leaving, and everyone else is secretly checking out job websites and Wednesday’s Guardian in the hope that they too can jump ship.

I’ve spent too much money again this month and I’m a bit pissed off with myself. I wouldn’t say I was a compulsive spender but I do seem to buy a lot of things including clothes. As regular readers will know, mine (and society’s) continual need to buy more and more stuff is one that vexes me. I like to think that I am above all that and then I go and buy another pair of trainers… why?! Well, because I can is the bald truth of it, but what sort of attitude is that? My whole life and lifestyle is leading toward being more sustainable and treading evermore lightly on the earth and I will not achieve that if I’m forever buying more this, that and far too much of the other.

Of course part of me does think that it might be a final hurrah. Soon with a mortgage and a family, my desire for Firetrap jeans will have to go for a burton. It won’t exactly be sack cloth and ashes, but my frivolous needs will have to come pretty far down the list. So maybe stocking up now is a good thing! (Did anyone else see that tenuous justification coming?! Good, it wasn’t just me then…)

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