Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday philosophy

I’d rather be at home today with the dog and the chickens! I also have a job application to do but I haven’t yet sunk so low that I would actually do it on work time when I have other things, you know, things they actually pay me for, to do…

My partner left for work late this morning and was keeping one eye on the chooks for scuffles and divaesque behaviour but they all seem happy. But they can really pack away the food! They’re on layers pellets and kitchen scraps and well, anything else they can get their tiny little beaks on. We think two are about to lay and that might explain the huge appetites. I think I’d snack between meals if I was shooting tomorrow’s breakfast out of my arse.

It was grey and wet and cold this morning, it was a Monday and my partner and I were both tired. If it was a blind date, you’d feel cheated such was the potential unattractiveness of the day. Yet despite this, I felt quite content this morning walking the dog and thinking about the weekend just gone. We are also going to see this house in Cornwall that I’ve found and that makes me happy as well.

Strange thing I saw on my way to work this morning: a squirrel running across the road using a zebra crossing. Even squirrels know the safest way to cross the road… (But why did the squirrel cross the road, was it to visit our chickens?!)

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