Friday, August 08, 2008

Roll camera...

If I were to sum up my three years at this organisation it would be a cross between a film noir and a Carry On film, and maybe even with the level of inefficiencies, a dash of Benny Hill as well…

There are some truly marvellous people that work for this company and there are some truly awful people that work here. I think people that are crap at their job are a bit like benefit cheats (strange analogy but bear with me) they know how to play the system: they know the bare minimum they need to do to get by. But the irony is that everyone (even managers and to be fair, some of these idiots are managers!) knows how rubbish they are but nobody does anything. That’s one of the greatest failings of any company; especially when you consider how important our work is dealing with some of society's most vulnerable people.

The good people though are pretty outstanding and they inspire real hope for the future. And the once the temp contract of our interim chief executive is over, you can only hope that he is replaced with someone who actually gives a damn about the staff.

But there has been a lot of laughs, some great projects and learning experiences, and even a few friends! But at least I can now say, and that’s a wrap...



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