Thursday, July 31, 2008

Rugby tops and wedding chic

I have bought a Canada rugby top! I did so for two reasons, one I love rugby tops (all different ones; teams, nations, one-offs) and two, I had nothing to wear this Canada day and a girl should be able to dress for all occasions. Our very good friend who is also Canadian has talked about a Thanksgiving do – yes Canada has Thanksgiving, tsk! – so if an invite is forthcoming, I already have an outfit.

(We also said we’d bring homemade pumpkin pie. Now we just need to hope our pumpkins grow well… or at all!)

This morning I got my formal ‘competition winner’ invite to go on the Stella Artois Airship tomorrow. I’m really looking forward to it, even though I am scared of heights :0)

We went round a friend’s house last night. He is the intrepid leader of the DUC (Dulwich Ukulele Club) who are, of course, playing at our wedding and we needed to sort out all those pesky little admin details like where the band is staying, what time to set up, what to play etc. It was a very pleasant evening chatting and laughing and sitting in the garden with a glass of wine…

Now those that know me, know that I’m not swayed by trendy, I don’t aspire to hip BUT there is something very cool about having the DUC at your wedding because like it or not, there is a certain cachet in having a band that’s been hyped in the Guardian and the Indy…

Bless! We're being all cutting edge and not even trying! (And yes, I'm sure it did no harm at all that brother of intended wife plays in the band...)

I walked in and found flowers on my desk this morning. This is the last day that I’ll see my boss (I’m working from home tomorrow and she’s on holiday next week). It was a sweet gesture, but what with her taking me out to lunch this week as well it feels like we’re dating!

Right enough of this random nonsense. I need to do some work and then I think I’ll do the crossword. People seem to be under the impression that I’m a clever little stick and it’s true I do have a fairly large vocabulary, but I’m rubbish at crosswords. The day before yesterday I got 12 clues (2 of which subsequently turned out to be incorrect) and yesterday I only got 5 clues. What can I achieve today? Who knows or dares to wonder!

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