Thursday, July 24, 2008


We turned a corner this morning! Actually we turned several…

As I've mentioned before, Bess is happy going to the park for a walk but the problems start when she gets there, basically she freezes. So this morning we set off in high spirits and I had everything crossed that she would get at least a bit of a walk, but I wasn’t expecting much. At first she was reluctant to move again so I thought we would have to stand there and watch Mr P enjoy his morning constitutional but slowly, very slowly we started walking and before we knew it we were going round the entire park! In fact, it got to the point where she actually greeted two other dogs and tried to chase Pluto (we still have her on the lead as loud noises and sudden movement startles her and she makes a run for it). I was so proud! We all got home exhausted but very pleased with each other. It doesn’t sound much but when you think how frightened she was, it’s a pretty big thing.

I’m exhausted. I did lots of tidying and cleaning yesterday evening and then had a late night. Consequently the desire to crawl under my desk for a nap is very strong… perhaps I can say I’m going for a meeting and then no one will be surprised that I’m not at my desk for an hour? Except that I snore. That could be embarrassing...

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