Wednesday, July 16, 2008

45 days!

Its 45 days until I get married. FORTY FIVE DAYS! I can remember just after getting engaged last summer, how the year leading up to the wedding stretched out before us – the actual event being so far away as to seem almost unreal. (Except when we had to start paying for stuff of course!) And now it’s only FORTY FIVE DAYS away! I’m very excited. We’ve done well. We’ve organised the wedding we want, within our budget and with all the frills but none of the fuss. And I thoroughly recommend this getting hitched malarkey because marrying someone you really, really, really love is very cool!

We have run into one minor issue of wedding etiquette and I sought counsel from a lovely friend of mine who got wed last year. Our gift cards (saying we have a gift voucher list at John Lewis if you would like to get us something) were not ready when we sent out the invites. Consequently we’re having to send them out now, which I did yesterday. But although the vast majority of people can make it, a few can’t and so we were left wondering, do you still send them a gift card? Now we’ve been told, just because someone can’t make the actual day doesn’t mean they wouldn’t want to contribute – they don’t suddenly become invisible just because they are not there at the wedding! And so yes, if they are good friends, then they would like to have the option of getting a gift voucher or not. Anyway, he recommended I blogged about it in case others had opinions. So if you do, drop me a line…

I will send cards to the few who sadly can’t be there and hope they know my partner and I well enough to know that really, their good thoughts are far more important than a gift voucher any day of the week.

I should probably change the subject entirely by telling you I’m a scab. Two unions have gone on strike and I had to cross the picket line this morning. It’s hardly like the miner’s strike but it still didn’t feel very nice. They have a point: low pay rise + high cost of living = unfair, but it does feel a little futile. I don’t think the council will offer more.

I only got three hours sleep last night and bless me, I do look a bit rough. It was hot and I had lots on my mind so I lay there hour after hour thinking quite the strangest thoughts (including remembering the day I left home!) Part of me thought I should get up and do something, but then another part of me thought if I lay there and tried to stay relaxed I would eventually drift off. I did. At 5.30am and my alarm went off at 7am!

My organic burgers and homemade sweetcorn relish was a big success last night. Unfortunately I made rather a lot and we have to have it again tonight!

Only one day left before we pick up Bess…!

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