Thursday, July 03, 2008

So long, fare well...

Well, its official, I’m to be offered a redundancy package. I think I should be upset, or worried, but actually I feel excited and a bit nervous. The nervous part is obvious: it’s better to be in work than out of work, especially when you have responsibilities, but the excited part is less obvious. I hate my job so maybe this is exactly what I need? Maybe I can sense something much better is just around the corner? I really don’t know. I’m due to have a meeting this afternoon to discuss it further but I will then take the weekend to talk to my partner and have a good think about what to do…

I think the part that makes me really a bit scared is that although I’m very employable and have a great CV, I’ve been out of work before and its soul destroying. Admittedly I didn’t have a part time business which I do now (Dog Wise) and my life is much better organised and financially more secure but really, unemployment sucks. Don’t let anyone tell you any different. The first couple of days, weeks even, you really love it: you wake up when you want and then you don’t have to face a stressful commute and bullshit at work, but after that the worry creeps in. What if I can’t get another job? What if I’m washed up? What if my partner has to support me? What if we become really short of money? What if I become addicted to Cash in the Attic? What if I start to eat too many biscuits and washing only every other day, and then every other week…?!

So there you have it. All change on the western front… grab life by the balls or it will kick you in the arse… or something like that anyway.

In the meantime though, I just need to get through this meeting about the redundancy and then I shall head home and open a beer and sit in the garden with my dog and my chickens and count my blessings.

And of course, I have Dolly to look forward to as well!

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At 3:34 pm, August 19, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Redundancy is always a difficult time even when you hate your job. It is also a great time to think about what you really want to do in the future. A friend and I have just launched a new blogsite with all sorts of hints and tips on career change and will be blogging about redundancy specifically in the near future. I would really appreciate your feedback on the site given what you are facing right now. Look forward to hearing from you and good luck for the future.


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