Tuesday, July 22, 2008


As ever, it’s been busy!

It was my stagette do on Saturday. My best man and his partner arrived late afternoon with a spectacular bunch of flowers, a bottle of champagne and a card. I felt very special! We headed out for dinner just the four of us, then I said goodbye to my partner and we headed over to the Yard for drinks and a several more bottles of champagne. It was a really good turn out – about 30 people for little ol’ me! And some friends I hadn’t seen in ages. My only fear is that I didn’t get to speak to everyone as much as I would have liked – especially when the beer, champagne, Guinness and vodka shots kicked in! My best man had organised a lovely notebook for people to write messages in and several disposable cameras so people could take lots of silly pictures. What are the odds of loads of unflattering shots of me turning up on Facebook?!

Unfortunately my best man wasn’t feeling too well so had to head back to ours so some friends whisked me in a cab to the Two Brewers in Clapham where the night got even fuzzier. Apparently I spilt half a pint on one of my friends… I felt really bad… what a waste of beer? :0)

Then another friend and her partner deposited me back home – unable to remember my name, but safe and happy! Seeing as they live the other side of London, dropping me home was particularly generous and I think I owe them several drinks for that.

All in all a very good night with very good people – you can’t ask for any more than that…

Sunday I was very, very ill!

Today I had a job interview. Really good job and if I got it, it would mean I jump from redundancy to employment without all the usual stress and fuss! It went really well and I’ve got everything crossed, but I need to wait until the end of the week before I hear anything.

And in the meantime, Bess has been settling into the Livingstone household with remarkably little fuss. Her tail is something of a menace – she gets overexcited and wags it with such force that it actually really hurts if she catches you. She belted Pluto in the eye and it went all red and bloodshot and we had to bathe his eye several times before we saw an improvement. He’s been avoiding her back end ever since! We’re having a few problem on walks i.e., she doesn’t want to walk. She’s excited to go to the park and then freezes when we’re there so I’ve been standing there letting Pluto burn off energy while she and I watch on. I’m keeping things calm and positive – even though deep down I am a bit frustrated because I enjoy walking the dogs and want her to have fun and have exercise. I hope she will very soon come to realise that walks are fun and that there is nothing to fear, but that’s the thing when you take on animals that have been so badly treated, they often need a little longer to settle and you just have to be patient and loving. We’ve already discovered she has a good appetite and a sense of mischief!

I’m hoping the rest of the week is calmer and then Saturday we’re off to the Cotswolds to help a friend celebrate his 40th with a Wild West themed party. Can’t wait!

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