Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Manuka honey

We went round to see Pluto (and now Bess’) boarding mum last night because they are both staying there this Saturday when we go away to our friend’s birthday party in the Cotswolds and we mentioned that Bess has an aytopic skin rash. We currently use Sudafed cream but don’t really want to want to start on steroid cream and other more invasive treatments. Her partner then mentioned that he had been looking after a German Shepherd with a similar aytopic condition and the dog’s owner had used manuka honey and it had cleared up after 4 days! So this morning I’ve been reading up on manuka honey and can’t understand why everyone isn’t using it – seriously! Internally it can treat ulcers, digestive problems, coughs and chest infections and externally it’s been used for years on burns, rashes and other skin conditions. I’ve just ordered some cream for the dog and some honey for me! I might start having a spoonful in a cup of tea. Anything that can help protect me from colds and chest infections has got to be worth a go and I might find I use it more regularly than propolis which tastes vile…

The first meeting went well last night with J and B (boarding mum and her partner) and they seem to have fallen for Bess as quickly as they did Pluto. It was nice to see Bess come out of herself even more and fascinating watching the interaction between Pluto and Bess in a different setting (with other dogs as well). Bess we think is smitten with P but he is still a little unsure about Bess, although he does like her. And despite being younger P seems to have assumed the top dog role even though he hides behind my legs when her tail is wagging!

Unfortunately I’ve just had to order an extra tall baby gate because Bess has learnt how to jump over our existing one, which we use to keep them both in the kitchen at night. Consequently we’re all a bit tired this morning.

Other than that we’re muddling along nicely…!

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At 10:08 pm, July 27, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It really is a one of natures wonders.
I was used for years even and dates back to the ancient Greeks who used just standard honey to treat wounds and also used it for beauty purposes as well usually in a mixture of milk.
Honey was carried by soldiers in the second world wars.
Manuka honey is different but carries
extra properties known as UMF which makes it even more successful in fight microorganisms.
Any way I don't want to bore you too much but excellent to see you spreading the word of this truly amazing product.
My blog has more ifo if you are interested in knowing more if there is any hting you would like to know please ask


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