Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Hello sailor

The word lanyard, apparently, originated in the navy. I’m only telling you this because the most interesting thing happened yesterday. I ordered new lanyards with our company name on them and when they arrived I emailed all our staff (approx. 400) to tell them that these lanyards had arrived and that they could pick one up from my office. I can honestly say nothing I’ve ever sent out to staff has ever had such a response! The first response was what the hell is a lanyard? Before you think that everyone I work for is a bit dim, I should point out that quite the cleverest people were emailing me as well. So I sent out a further missive explaining what a lanyard was. In the meantime, people poured into my office to find out what this freebie was (some slightly disappointed that it was just a bit of material – albeit very smart material – to hang round your neck. And I’m still getting emails today, and that is how I know that the word lanyard is an old navy word! So there you go… entertainment and education all in one blog…

My new MP3 player which I was so excited about is crap – already it has malfunctioned and I will be sending it back tonight, if I could with a Potteresque howler ranting about how rubbish this particular piece of kit is.

We bathed the dog on the weekend. He’s still smelling sweet and looking adorably fluffy although he did manage to get a muddy belly yesterday. It’s not his fault though, he is rather low slung. Unfortunately he gets very frightened when you put him in the bath and buries his head in your armpit with his heart hammering out of his chest, but with patience and lots of love he relaxed enough to lie down in the bath and allow himself to be washed using my hideously expensive organic shampoo. Then he ran about the house shaking himself all over our cream walls. My partner (and for this, she doesn’t just get brownie points she gets a full brownie uniform if she wants… which I don’t think she does, but you get the point) cleaned the bathroom which was a swamp of water, dog hair and globs of hideously expensive shampoo (I’m sorry to go on but it costs £5.99 for a very small bottle…)

Anyway, I have a pear I need to eat and I’m sure there’s work that my boss would like me to do so until the next time I have nothing very interesting to say…


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