Monday, June 04, 2007

Canon can

What a great day! Actually, what a great weekend. First things first, my email request to friends pleading for the use of a film SLR has resulted in the use of an EOS Canon. (It’s a very modern camera and very similar to mine – with the obvious exception that it’s film.) It uses the same lenses as my camera and, I can buy filters for the film camera and then use them on my digi after the course. My friend also lent me two lenses and she has a great zoom lens which is even better than my own. Plus my tutor emailed and I got my extension! (She is actually going to petition her line manager for an extension for the whole class, she also thinks the fact that we weren’t told about needing to use film etc. wasn’t fair and has set us back.)

I can now do my final project in Scotland; the architecture in Glasgow, the remoteness of the Islands, the landscape of the Highlands… already my enthusiasm and excitement has returned!

We did a lot of gardening over the weekend, went to the woods with Pluto and another friend’s dog, had a bar-b-q (rump steaks from Abel and Cole… gorgeous, absolutely bloody gorgeous), found a frog skeleton (gross yet strangely cool), drank beer and generally had a fab time. Today our new fridge freezer arrives and frankly I’m far more cheerful than I was last week!

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