Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Making lists

I’m off work sick. My asthma is being a bit of an arse. Has been since the weekend and consequently everything is so much harder because my breathing is so much more laboured. So for once I took my partner’s advice (I take her advice on most things because she is the most wonderful and clever woman I’ve ever met but I tend to stubbornly ignore her on matters of my own health and rush into work sometimes making the problem worse). So when she said, ‘you’re not well enough to go into work’ I think she was quite surprised when I replied, ‘no, I think you’re right’. Of course, just because you’re body needs a rest, doesn’t mean your mind can take a three-day sleep. So I’ve been doing lots of organising and list making and have ordered some stuff for the house. And with all this talk of weddings is much more general talk of the future; are we staying in London, when are we starting a family etc. Consequently I feel like I’ve been quite busy even if it has been from a sitting position!

I’m reading Anne Enright’s Making Babies, Stumbling into Motherhood, which is hilarious. I normally eschew self-help guides and ‘everything you need to know about (in this case) babies’ tomes that often give conflicting and muddled advice and which end up scaring rather than helping you. But this book is the exception, it doesn’t try to teach you anything, it just explores her own journey and almost with out trying is full of common sense. Even if you don’t intend to have a baby, it’s a really funny book…

We still haven’t heard back from the farm where we want the wedding to take place and probably won’t till the end of the week. It’s driving me nuts. I just want to know whether it’s going to be there or whether it’s back to the drawing board. And booking a registrar generally seems quite complicated or have I not read the instructions properly?! Anyway, I swing (often within a very short space of time) between ‘organising a wedding doesn’t need to be stressful and complicated, people just make it stressful and complicated’ and ‘CRAP, WHAT IF I FORGET SOMETHING IMPORTANT AND THE WOMAN I LOVE DISCOVERS I’M REALLY AN IDIOT?!’ There are a gazillion book on weddings but I figure if we just stay calm and make lists, we’ll get there in the end. After all stupid people get married (and for that matter, have babies) all the time and me and the missus are really quite smart…

Anyway, I have some laying on the sofa to do. And maybe I’ll order a new shower curtain… the internet is a wonderful thing…

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