Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hungover and pissed off

I have the worst hangover. Why do we have dinner parties on a school night, stay up too late and drink too much wine. Why?

Anyway, that’s the least of my problems, are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin…

The car has been officially written off and the insurance cancelled, so although it is driveable, I'm obviously not going to drive an uninsured car. They reckon that it will take about 10 days to sort my claim out so we enquired about the “courtesy car guaranteed” that’s written all over our policy. Only to be told us that it’s not actually guaranteed and they’re not giving us a courtesy car. So there. Trading standards might be interested in that one…

Then we were told if we wanted to hire a car they could try and claim back the costs but it wasn’t guaranteed (there’s that word again) that we would get the money back and we might just have to suck it up. Despite this, we decided to take the risk anyway and yesterday I priced checked a load of car rentals – almost fainted at the cost – and eventually narrowed it down to National. I even got a small discount being a Green Flag member (I must remember to cancel that – I’m paying for breakdown cover when I don’t have a car.)

I turn up this morning after going massively out of my way to get to the car hire place, only to be told, opps! You’ve been driving for less than a year and we won’t hire you a car. Apparently I should have been told that, but I wasn’t. No firm will hire cars to some with a licence that’s less than 12 months old.

So this weekend we’re buying a car. I’m not waiting for the insurance I’ve had enough, I’m up to here with being jerked around. Let’s just hope no one decides to drive into the back of this one because I think I would actually try to throttle them!

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