Sunday, February 03, 2008


This weekend we’re sorting. Which I know doesn’t sound very exciting but so far it’s been fun. I guess it’s a bit like going to the gym (not that I’ve been there for a while), it’s difficult to get motivated to go in the first place, when you do go it’s not as bad as you thought, and the sense of satisfaction afterwards is enormous! Our ‘problem area’ was the cupboard under the stairs. For a large flat we don’t have that much storage and it was becoming more and more scary. When the cleaner began to express a desire not to get the hoover out anymore, because she was fed up with being caught in a landslide of stuff, we knew we had to do something...

So yesterday I cooked a lovely breakfast - every weekend we make the effort to have really nice breakfasts; pancakes with fresh fruit and maple syrup which my partner does, or a full English which I do! – and this prepared us for the task at hand.

We’re still not done, we have the kitchen and outside cupboard still to do as well as tidying up the mess we’ve made. But we’ve done well so far! The cupboard looks fabulous (can a cupboard look fabulous?!). My partner put some shelves in there and everything is tidy and organised! A miracle! We’ve also thrown out LOADS and I’ve decided to do a car boot, because I quite enjoyed the last one I did and we can put the money in the wedding fund – and if you don’t make much, you haven’t lost much either and you can just take it all down the charity shop. We’re being quite ruthless as well: books, CD’s, DVD’s, clothes, electrical, bags, kitchen stuff etc., etc. There are three rules, do I love this thing, do I use this thing, can I replace this thing? If something is special it stays and if something is used (or re-read/listened to/watched) even if not very often, it can stay as well, and finally the last rule means that if we do chuck something that we later find we need, can it be replaced?

Why this is also exciting is because it’s in preparation for when we eventually move. Have you noticed, you move, and as you unpack you sort stuff out and then throw loads of things away? Well we want to do that before we move. Why lug stuff 300 miles away if you don’t have to.

So whilst I may not have lost weight this weekend what with breakfast, cake, rhubarb crumble and the Sunday roast I’m cooking later, our home is a lot more streamlined!

I even managed to watch the rugby yesterday although I wish I hadn’t. What a way to start the championship by giving Wales victory on a plate?

PS. The picture has absolutely nothing to do with anything I've been blogging about, but I just thought it was so damn cute...

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