Sunday, April 06, 2008

Emmett's Garden

We went to Emmett’s Garden yesterday – a National Trust garden in Kent nr. Sevenoaks. It’s particularly well known for its display of spring flowers especially bluebells. You can take dogs as well, so we packed a lunch and all headed out to the Kent countryside.

It was absolutely beautiful and we were lucky with the weather as well. The sights – and smells – were gorgeous! At first we thought there were no bluebells, but there were plenty of other lovely flowers, plants and trees to see so we weren’t too disappointed, but then we went down to the wood and there were bluebells everywhere! (Which prompted me to take about 30 odd photos!) Pluto was less moved by the beauty of it than we were, but he also had a wonderful time...

There are benches everywhere and a real sense that rushing is frowned upon. The air was lovely and clean and in places heavy with scent from some plant or flower and it was really very peaceful. We decided that as the weather was closing in, we would eat in the car, rather than in the gardens. And as we headed back it started to hail and then the heavy rain really set in. We sat eating our lunch in the car, feeling all cosy and with the dog gently snoring on the back seat.

On the way back we stopped at a garden centre and pet superstore and spent too much money, but then I’ve never not spent too much in garden centres and pet stores! We managed to pick up a hen feeder, layers pellets and grit for the girls. Layers pellets are exactly what they suggest; food pellets designed to keep the hens healthy and with all the nutrients they need to lay healthy eggs. They will also feed on kitchen scraps, worms and slugs. Nice. So they will have a mixed diet to say the least. Grit is used to help digest their food – because as you know from the old saying “rarer than hens’ teeth”, hens don’t have teeth. They swallow their food without mastication! Pluto got some chews and two new toys and we picked up various bits and pieces for the garden including a dibber which I’m particularly excited about... well, you would be...

Today we’ve woken up to a winter wonderland. It’s snowing and although it’s eased off a little now, it’s been really heavy. So we’re off to lunch at a friend’s and then we’re walking the dogs in the park... might be sensible to wrap up very warm today!

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