Sporting pride
I love the Olympics. I love sport. Sadly, it’s often the only time we can feel really proud in this country. I absolutely burst with pride when we do well. And I can’t tell you how I felt that our first two gold medals were won in spectacular style AND won by women. You may think it doesn’t matter whether it was men or women that won – and on some level you may be right, but when you consider how women struggle to gain recognition, support, media coverage and finance in even elite sports, it really does matter that two women have set the bar for team GB.
But it’s not just about the wealthier countries and the bigger sports teams, two Iraqi rowers have just been interviewed on the BBC. Team Iraq have only 4 athletes, and if I get to see them compete I think I would cheer just as hard for them as I would my own much loved country. To have them win would be an amazing achievement and a fantastic message about a country that isn’t just about war and hardship and occupation…
Yesterday we picked up my partner’s brother and took him to Brick Lane for his birthday. He had wanted to buy some vintage clothes and so we had all put in some money for him to go on a bit of a shopping spree. He managed to get loads! A jumper, a top, a shirt, shoes, trousers and shorts and he still has money left over. We had a fantastic day, lots of fun, but I was absolutely gutted to get back to the car to find a ticket. We were on a single yellow which we all thought was fine to park on on a Sunday. Apparently not. The semi-literate fuckwit mongrel who wrote the ticket, couldn’t even work out that my car was blue. And under colour had put ‘unknown’. I guess if there was an Olympics for parking attendants, he or she wouldn't make the cut...
Last night over tea and biscuits we did the seating plan for the wedding. Surprisingly difficult but very satisfying when done. After which, we watched Crimson Tide (fantastic film) and went to bed too late.
Labels: brick lane market, loving the olympics, parking ticket, sporting pride, team gb, team iraq, vintage clothes
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