Friday, November 28, 2008

I'll take a side order of nap with my burger please...

Nooooo sleep... I had to take painkillers yesterday and weirdly they seem to speed up my brain but at the same time make me woozy. So I think I’m tired and I act tired and then I go to bed and lay awake all night!

That said, I’m loathe to whinge too much, my partner got in late last night from work and was up at 6am to get in early this morning. She also worked all weekend (right up until the point we left for Cambridge) and so this Saturday will be her first day off in over two weeks. Puts a sleepless night in perspective...

This weekend is the culmination of Movember. Ten of my finest and bravest male friends decided to fight prostate cancer by... sprouting unusual facial hair for the whole of Movember. If you watch international rugby, you’ll see that my friends were not to the only ones to get involved. Several rugby players were also sporting the sort of facial furniture that you can only hope is for a good cause. This weekend we get to party and judge the best – and worst – efforts. Should be a very fun evening and all for charidee too!

I got a great new pair of Merrell trainers yesterday for nought pence. Well, that's not strictly true, in fact that's not true at all. I had paid for them but over a year ago! We bought a tent July 07 and after three uses it broke, so despite it being over a year old, we took it back to the Millets, Lewisham where the customer service was as ever, great (we didn't exactly get what we wanted but they were friendly and efficient).

Because it was longer than a year since we bought it, they only offered us a free repair, or 60% of the value. We were a bit disappointed but knew we didn't want a repair because clearly there was a design flaw with the tent and we didn't want to be in the middle of nowhere, have it happen again, and be without a tent! So we accepted the 60% and decided it was probably fair in lieu of not having a receipt (but we did have the bank statement) and the age of the tent. (Although I did point out that it really wasn't acceptable to buy a product that you could only use three times, and then have it let you down on holiday!) Anyway, I decided to snap up some Merrell's that were on sale and my feet are very happy.

Right I have a job application to do. Enjoy your Friday and may it be the start of a great weekend.

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