Thank crunchie it's Friday
Well lot's of brownie points for me for doing a bit of a tidy up yesterday and cooking dinner - a fabulous Californian lemon chicken dish with noodles - organic chicken, naturally. I am a lesbian Jamie Oliver! The flat is still full of boxes, but everything looks to be a little more under control now...
Pluto is under the weather. He was sick this morning and then a little antsy on our walk, chewing on his lead and then sulking. I've given him plain food, lots of water, something to chew on and the assurance that I still love him even though he was grumpy with me. We spotted Charlie the Irish Wolfhound on our walk and he wanted to play with her, but they were just leaving the park and so were we. That dog has such a beautiful face and Wolfhounds have a very ethereal quality. No sign of bad dog but I keep my eyes peeled.
Tonight we are meeting up with a friend who has just returned - along with two other friends - from doing Mission Malawi II. Malawi has a frighteningly high rate of HIV and AIDS infections. The Mission, which happens every year, is a 14 day marathon of cycling, kayaking, trekking and mountain climbing and all the money that is raised is used to fund local services helping prevent infection but also treating those that are already infected. It is easily the hardest thing most people would ever do in several life times. They raised over a hundred thousand pounds and we are very proud of every single one of them for doing it.
This weekend, my partner and I are designing the garden! Sketchpads and colouring pencils at the ready... we decided to do our own designs and then sit down and see what we had both come up with. Stuff that's in both designs will obviously be included, I'm just not sure we have enough space for everything we want to do: hot tub, adventure playground for the dog, cottage garden, veggie patch, water feature, decking, lush green lawn... I also wanted chickens at one stage!!