Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Rubber ducky

If I was notching the miles I’ve driven on my belt I would need a very big belt…

On Saturday we got up at 5.15am to get ready to leave for Yorkshire at 6am. As is typical in our house, we left at 6.30am. I drove out of London, my partner did the motorways, and then we swapped back and I drove through Bradford. The borrowed sat nav never once failing us.
We had a lovely weekend. It was fantastic to see my partner’s goddaughter and she loved the book… but she didn’t really understand the book! She seemed to really appreciate the present, but it was a little advanced even for her (and she’s a very, very smart three year old!) But I kind of knew that anyway. It’s a book that as she grows she will hopefully get more out of.
Saturday was very lazy after the long drive it can be summed up: pizza, wine, gossip. On Sunday we drove to Ilkley and went to Betty’s tea rooms (that Betty is a national treasure) and as usual had to most gorgeous cakes and tea. After which we went shopping and I spent too much money. I picked up the Sunday Times because I had been talking to a journalist about including us in Rugby Shorts and sure enough, page 20 of the sports section there we were, the Kings Cross Steelers. We stopped at Lister Parker on the way back so B could ride her bike and I could get some ‘action’ shots. Fabulous park: there was a waterfall, one of the best children’s playgrounds I’ve ever seen, a rowing pond and as a bonus, the autumn leaves were stunning. Then when we got back M (father of B) had spent the afternoon cooking a roast dinner. I ate too many stuffing balls and Yorkshire puddings.
We decided to drive back on Monday not using the motorway at all so I could do all the driving. It took over 7 hours! But it was a fantastic road trip. We stopped at a garden centre and spent £90 (as you do). We eventually arrived home at about 7.30pm to a happy and relaxed dog – he spent the weekend with doggy friends – and my partner cooked a curry. It was, the perfect weekend…

PS. I bid on another lens on eBay and won! It was expensive but much, much cheaper than buying the same lens new!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Do a u-turn on the roundabout?!

Blimey. I’ve bid on a sat nav now! Yes I’m talking about eBay of course. So I have bids on two lenses and a satellite navigation system for the car. To be honest though (here comes the justification speech, you might want to take notes…) lenses are HUGELY expensive and if I can get them so much cheaper it can only benefit my photography, and indeed, increase the amount of photos that I am able to successfully take. And even my partner thinks sat navs’ are a good idea – although I think she meant in a general sense rather than in a ‘let’s go about and spend over a hundred quid on one’ sense.
I worry a lot about this foot-wide materialistic streak that runs through me like Blackpool through rock. I sometimes wonder when is enough enough? I always seem to be buying stuff. Always. Not a week will pass without more STUFF making itself right at home in SE26. So anyway, that will keep my id chewing away for the next couple of hours…

I’m really looking forward to this weekend. The car only has a tape player, so we’ll be dragging the oldies out… Salt n’ Pepa (Spinderalla hold it up one time!), early Madonna, maybe some Stones… driving along, bellowing out the hits…

This evening is a Steelers do’ in Comptons. I might pop along for a social half but there’s so much still to do before we go away for the weekend that I can’t have a late one…

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Lord help me, I’ve discovered eBay. Well, I sort of discovered it right around the time the rest of the world did but I wasn’t that interested. I even tried selling stuff but it was more hassle than it was worth. Anyway, one of my classmates has got virtually all his photography gear on eBay and its cost him a fraction of the price. So I went on there today to look for lenses. I found a Canon 350 film SLR with TWO lenses and I put a bid on (max. £70). For those of you not really up on camera stuff, the two lenses alone would probably be worth over £200. Anyway I didn’t win; I was pipped to the post by only £2.25! Bastards. I’ve put a bid on two other lenses and I’ll just have to hope I’m successful.

I’m having a tough day today. I’m shattered and my get up and go has got up and gone so I’m finding it hard to do any work. Really I need a long nap wrapped in a duvet but it’s just so hard to fit one of those into a working day…

Yesterday I spent the day in our archive department which was a lot of fun. I’m a sucker for old photos although eventually I’d looked at so many I began to see in black and white… I’m doing a calendar for work and also want some shots for our new website. Both very interesting projects that I'm enjoying but for which today, I haven't the energy.

I have shed loads to do at home, but I think I shall go home and repose on the sofa eating Green and Blacks chocolate and dreaming of the day I pick up a brand new telephoto lens on eBay for only 99p…

Monday, October 23, 2006

High class drama

I’ve barely been out of the car this weekend, and it’s been fab! Tellingly I am considerably less sore in the whole knee area than I would have been had I done as much as I did in the last two days but relied on public transport.
On Saturday we had a fundraiser to attend in Kings Cross that my partner had organised. A great night and another chance to see the DUC (Dulwich Ukulele Club) perform. They just get better. We had phoned up during the day and the venue – O’Neill’s pub – said I could park in their garage so we had free, secure parking in the middle of London! Driving over we hit torrential rain – and I do mean torrential. Visibility was very poor but I kept my head and we arrived without incident. After the event I was able to give two friends a lift home, one of whom was heavily pregnant and very glad not to have to worry about tubes and buses. So we dropped them off in West Hampstead and then headed back to our part of the world; again without a hitch. In fact the drive back was quick and pleasant.
Sunday we popped along to Sainsbugs and spent a hideous amount of money. The only downside to having a car, you bulk buy! After which, we took the dog to the park and then headed over to Balham to have dinner with my partner’s parents. Apart from some shitty junctions and a very confusing road system in places, we again zipped along in ease and comfort.
We didn’t get back too late and watched the last part of Prime Suspect. Helen Mirran played a blinder! The script and acting was at times uncomfortable and claustrophobic as real life often is. And there was a superb balance between long, slow shots highlighting her drinking problems and her father’s death, and the speed at which the investigation and action were conducted. The character’s alcoholism was brilliantly captured and showed how devastating addiction can be, and the bravery of those that choose to get help. Sorry to go on, but intelligent, thoughtful and powerful drama should always be celebrated; as should intelligent, thoughtful and powerful female actors.

This morning I’m really tired after only four hours sleep but otherwise don’t feel too bad.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Role reversal

My dog is a wimp and I suspect I’m overly aggressive. Well, actually that’s not strictly true but Pluto didn’t want to go for a walk today because of the rain. We actually stood outside with me trying to gently encourage him and him looking at me in the most pitiful way. In the end he huddled round my feet under the umbrella and I let him go back inside. He was – if you pardon the pun – as right as rain when we got back inside. I know he’s not keen on rain but I don’t ever remember him refusing point blank to go out in it?
Anyway, why am I too aggressive? Well, because I don’t let little punks and bad dog owners push me around it seems. We all know about the incident at Dulwich Park and frankly we’ve all moved on, but yesterday I hopped on to a bus to ask the driver if he went down to where I worked. He replied that he didn’t, but in the meantime this yoof had got on and was doing all he could to push past me and another woman so I swung round and all I said was, WAIT! To which he told me to ‘go suck my mother’ and some other things besides. Quite ingeniously using the word fuck as an adjective or as he probably knew it, a ‘doing’ word. I exited the bus muttering things like it wouldn’t happen in my day. Anyway, he went up the stairs, stopped and shouted a challenge or some such and I laughed and turned away because I don’t know about you but the day I start being dictated to, and frightened of, 16 year olds with tourettes, poor fashion sense and a future stretching before them consisting of poverty, waste and crashing disappointment, is probably the day I should seriously think about moving to the Outer Hebrides and living with 60 year old crofters and a handful of sheep.

We went night driving on Tuesday. There’s a whole new bag of pixies. All my senses seemed sharper – but almost to my detriment as everything became a potential hazard! Anyway I soon pulled myself together and drove around with confidence. I took my partner out for a lovely dinner but I have to say, the evening was a little more exhausting than I would have liked. I had to do every bloody manoeuvre you can imagine; three point turn, tricky parking, reversing back on to a street etc., etc. All good practice I suppose.

This evening I’m going to say goodbye to a friend who is going back home to the States. It’s going to be a fun but sad evening. I hope it’s the best thing for him, but selfishly myself and his other friends wonder if it’s the best thing for us.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Shouldn't be allowed dogs let alone children...

Well sadly, our balloon of euphoria got popped yesterday afternoon and to be honest, I’m still as mad as hell about it. We decided to drive over to Dulwich Park with the dog. He was a little sick on the way but even this didn’t put a dampener of our spirits. The park is beautiful with dog exercise areas so you don’t need to do hand to hand combat with people on bikes and maniacal joggers. It was all very gentle and pleasant and the dog was having a whale of a time. (Do whales ever have a dog of a time? I’m sure they do.) Anyway, there was a kiddie’s play area on the last part of the walk so I decided to put Pluto on the lead in case he got a little giddy and tried to go down the slide or push a three year old on a swing. Two dogs ran over, a bull terrier and a Staffordshire bull terrier I think. Anyway, the staffie was wearing a striped sweater and looked very cute and the dogs were all wagging their tails so everything seemed OK. Until the staffie went for Pluto without a sniff of provocation, he literally tried to climb on Pluto and bite his neck. I managed to get Pluto away and the other dog legged it. I yelled out to this group of women ‘get your bloody dog under control!’ By now everyone in the park was looking, actually it felt like everyone in Dulwich was looking. So this woman, surrounded by all her female friends and their small children starting shouting abuse telling me to fuck off and my sissy dog. (Pluto stood up for himself but wouldn't bite the smaller dog.) This is in front of her children. And then she shouted, go find some pussy to lick you lesbian and laughed. We just walked off. Unfortunately there’s no reasoning with scum and yes, despite my partner’s objections I use that word deliberately and appropriately. To encourage your dog to be vicious is wicked. It’s wicked because it means your dog leads a life of stress and anxiety, it’s wicked because another dog may get really hurt because you haven’t bothered to train and socialise your animal, and it’s wicked because if her child gets bitten – and its odds on they will if the dogs can turn that quickly and unpredictably – she will be 100% responsible. So yes, they were scum. Homophobic scum.
As we walked out, Pluto (a little keyed up as you can imagine) barked excitedly as a boy went passed because the boy called to him. I pulled him into me, made him sit at my feet and told him to be quiet. The father went off on one and told me I should keep him muzzled because he was obviously dangerous.

If only he knew.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Ford lightning...

We have a car!!! Yes, I bought the car yesterday and we spent most of yesterday afternoon driving around. Our friends (who sold the car) stayed for a delicious lunch even if we do say so ourselves: fresh pasta, home made sauce, organic salad leaves, homemade bread and organic honey beer (not for me, naturally!) After which they kindly left us alone as they could see I was desperate to get out and about. My first trip – I was a little nervous, but then we stopped in Dulwich, went to the park, popped into a nice pub and then headed off to Sydenham Wood. And by this time you would have thought (a) I wasn’t a learner driver and (b) the car and I were old friends! I asked my partner whether this was a shared view or whether my ego had just gone on the rampage and I wasn’t being very self-aware, but she agreed with me and added that she had forgotten I was a learner and indeed, felt very comfortable in the car with me.
I don’t wish to sound overly dramatic, but this is something of a dream come true. For some reason I’ve left the whole learning to drive / owning a car quite late but the choice and possibilities now that we have transport are endless. Consequently, all I can say is that I’m very happy. We drove to yet another park with the dog and strangely I think he was quite chuffed with the family wheels as well. Not bad going for a dog that used to be violently sick every time he sat in a car!
Anyway, we missed the rugby yesterday (another win for us!) but my partner (not a rugby fan) has promised that she will come with me to a home match so that I can drive there! Now that’s true love…

Thursday, October 12, 2006

All of the above?!

Well, I’ve given in and joined Flickr. So far I’ve only uploaded about 8 photos – just to get started – but I’ve sent the link to my photography classmates so that we can start to compare shots and hopefully inspire each other – and as is necessary whenever you’ve learning a new skill, constructively criticise each other. (And then privately sob into a large spotted hankie when you suspect no one understands you or your artistic vision.)
You can find me under ‘retrogooseuk photos’.
I did some more photography homework last night – is any of it sinking in?! Who knows. I guess practice and repetition make perfect and I’m really happy with some of the photos I’m taking so I’m at least on the right path…
I’ve been studying hard for my (driving) theory test. As a non-smoker I’ve been taking a ‘smoking’ break every day without the cigarette. I’ll explain… if you’re a smoker you can take lots of breaks throughout the day and nobody pays any attention so I’ve been taking ten minute ‘non-smoking’ break every day during which I do another section of my test book and then mark myself. A lot of it is common sense, but some of the questions despite being multiple choice are really tricky! To increase the level of challenge I have not bought a highway code and so therefore cannot look up the answer! I dredge up every little thing I know about cars and driving, stir in a dollop of ‘well, isn’t that obvious?’ and hope for the best! So far I’m doing really well and am scoring highly. For those of you from foreign climes or just lucky enough to have taken your driving test before the need to do a theory test, you get asked 35 questions (out of a possible 1,257 – told you I’d been studying hard) and you have to get a minimum of 30 right. Lawks a’mercy!
My theory test is booked for the 3rd November. No flowers please, just your love and adoration is, as ever, enough…
Pay day tomorrow, driving lesson Saturday am, buy car Saturday pm. I am very much looking forward to my weekend. Hope you are too!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Driving 101

I had my first driving lesson on Saturday. My driving instructor couldn’t believe that I hadn’t driven in ten years, which gave me a lot of confidence. Obviously there are things I have to work on but I found the whole experience exhilarating and generally I felt very in control. I can’t wait to (a) have my next lesson and (b) get the car next week!
Because my partner was going into work on Sunday (I know it’s just wrong) we spent the rest of Saturday together. She managed a long lie-in while I had my lesson and then we got the bus through to Beckenham – about 2 miles away and quite a pretty little place. We stopped for a drink in an “historic inn”, did a bit of shopping and then had us some of the best fish and chips ever! The restaurant gets its fish each day from Billingsgate and you could really tell. It was so fresh; crispy light batter, snow white fish that just fell apart when you cut into it. Yum! Anyway it’s was very reasonably priced which was a bonus.
When we got home (still very early) I made bread. It was gorgeous! And stupidly simple to make. We had it warm with butter and honey and the next day with scrambled egg. I think I shall try and make some every week…
Sunday was the big Steelers fundraiser. It was the first time I’d been to the 2Brewers (Clapham) – nice place, great staff. The evening was a huge success and over £2000 was raised. Unfortunately I didn’t get home until 2.30am and am struggling today. I’m so tired I was half way through a brazil nut and decided to give up…
Looking forward to going home an studying for my theory test… well, I’m looking forward to going home…

Monday, October 02, 2006

Ella Fitzgerald

I forgot to add this to this morning’s blog, but Ella Fitzgerald is good for nervous dogs. My partner and I loved the terrible weather this weekend; thunder, lightning, torrential rain, but that’s because we’re soppy romantics that enjoyed being tucked up in our lovely living room with the candles on and some good music on the stereo. But for poor Pluto it was a nerve-wracking time. Every time it thundered it sent him into a panic and he would let off another volley of barks. So when I saw the lightning I waited, and sometimes with pinpoint accuracy would start to sing very loudly along with Ella Fitzgerald to cover the rumble and crack of the preceding thunder. Pluto wasn’t fooled but it seemed to make him feel better and apart from a few low growls he was fine. Soon I gave up singing altogether and when the thunder came, he would look at me and I would look at him and he soon realised that as the big dog in the sky wasn’t bothering me, he wasn’t going to let it bother him! Although his look also seemed to say PS. I’m still not happy about it!

Dog hair

Well I’ve spent the weekend fiddling. With my camera I should add. I spent virtually the whole weekend in but believe it or not I achieved a lot; resting my knees, doing homework and in a fit of physical activity doing a bit of cleaning. My class was good on Friday but already more complicated and I was moved to mutter on more than one occasion that I didn’t ‘effing care about my F-stops. But of course I did, and I struggled on. I’ve finished the photography book I was reading and have trawled through most of the camera manual. I think I will have to read them both all over again. Who knew being an artist could be so technical?!
My partner bought me the 12 of the most gorgeous crimson, velvety roses the other day and I was going to do some still-lives’ of those, but in the end I chose a small sculpture I have, and experimented with black and white photography – with some success.

My dog walker friend who owns a book shop has got a 1st edition Annie Leibovitz – ‘Women’. I had a think about it over the weekend, and have just texted her to say, is it still available because I want it! I love Leibovitz’s photography but there is also something quite nice about 1st editions. Indeed, it will be the 2nd first edition I own.

We had to miss a party this weekend, held by two dear friends. Poo. However, I was orthopaedically speaking buggered and travelling was just out of the question.

Anyway, back to the grind. Talking of grind or ‘working-long-hours-and-trying-to-keep-the-house-tidy’, we’re getting a cleaner. A local woman has been highly recommended and we’re going to give it a go. It will be on the days that I work from home and will make such a difference to us. Hope she doesn’t mind a bit… OK, OK, a lot, of dog hair!