Monday, October 16, 2006

Shouldn't be allowed dogs let alone children...

Well sadly, our balloon of euphoria got popped yesterday afternoon and to be honest, I’m still as mad as hell about it. We decided to drive over to Dulwich Park with the dog. He was a little sick on the way but even this didn’t put a dampener of our spirits. The park is beautiful with dog exercise areas so you don’t need to do hand to hand combat with people on bikes and maniacal joggers. It was all very gentle and pleasant and the dog was having a whale of a time. (Do whales ever have a dog of a time? I’m sure they do.) Anyway, there was a kiddie’s play area on the last part of the walk so I decided to put Pluto on the lead in case he got a little giddy and tried to go down the slide or push a three year old on a swing. Two dogs ran over, a bull terrier and a Staffordshire bull terrier I think. Anyway, the staffie was wearing a striped sweater and looked very cute and the dogs were all wagging their tails so everything seemed OK. Until the staffie went for Pluto without a sniff of provocation, he literally tried to climb on Pluto and bite his neck. I managed to get Pluto away and the other dog legged it. I yelled out to this group of women ‘get your bloody dog under control!’ By now everyone in the park was looking, actually it felt like everyone in Dulwich was looking. So this woman, surrounded by all her female friends and their small children starting shouting abuse telling me to fuck off and my sissy dog. (Pluto stood up for himself but wouldn't bite the smaller dog.) This is in front of her children. And then she shouted, go find some pussy to lick you lesbian and laughed. We just walked off. Unfortunately there’s no reasoning with scum and yes, despite my partner’s objections I use that word deliberately and appropriately. To encourage your dog to be vicious is wicked. It’s wicked because it means your dog leads a life of stress and anxiety, it’s wicked because another dog may get really hurt because you haven’t bothered to train and socialise your animal, and it’s wicked because if her child gets bitten – and its odds on they will if the dogs can turn that quickly and unpredictably – she will be 100% responsible. So yes, they were scum. Homophobic scum.
As we walked out, Pluto (a little keyed up as you can imagine) barked excitedly as a boy went passed because the boy called to him. I pulled him into me, made him sit at my feet and told him to be quiet. The father went off on one and told me I should keep him muzzled because he was obviously dangerous.

If only he knew.


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