Tuesday, June 13, 2006


This morning at around 5am, both my partner and I woke up to the soft rumble of thunder and a heavy downpour of rain. We both grinned at each other and fell back to sleep! It has been raining for hours now, not lashing down but a steady consistent thrum of water that as we speak is soaking our new lawn! When it’s been as hot as it has, the last thing you want is a short shower of hard rain. It’s unsustainable; running away and not soaking into the grass and flower beds / pots, where obviously it does the most good.
Even the dog whom I had always believed wasn’t a big fan of rain was running around this morning like a balloon someone had let off at a party.
Dog walkers should have their own political party I’ve decided. We are all eminently sensible and cheerful people. Despite the conditions and the fact that most of us were soggy down to our socks after only a few minutes, everyone had something positive to say about the downpour. And yet people at the train station (I would lay good money that none of them were dog owners) were moany and bad tempered.
Last night I did some cleaning that was very overdue and managed to sit in the garden and managed to get an early night. By the time my partner got home though I was looking pretty rough around the edges and was horizontal by 8:30 and asleep by 9… the gardening must have really taken it out of me. So now I’ve caught up on my sleep, I’m much more focused at work this morning as well!
The only cloud to my silver lining is that generally speaking, insects view me as a sort of all you can eat buffet and thrashing about in the weeds over the weekend gave the little bastards a great opportunity to chow down on me. The result is some quite spectacular bites and now, some bruising where I’ve been scratching. I’ve bought some aloe vera into work which is helping to douse some of the itch, but I’ve got a rather large bite at the top of my thigh; rather embarrassingly quite near my bottom! So itching that without drawing undue attention to myself has been quite a challenge.


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