Friday, June 09, 2006

Green fingered effeciency

Yesterday was an extremely productive day. Not only did I work from home and get the things done that I wanted work-wise, but every time I took a break, I did a little job around the house. In the end (forgive me for listing every single one but for some reason it makes me happy!) I sorted the recycling, put a new handle on the front door, put a hook on our closet door, put the pictures up in the bedroom, put the lampshades up and planted some more seeds. As well as walking the dog twice! So you can see why I’m feeling a little smug. We also went for dinner at the in-laws who rustled up a baked mackerel affair that was very tasty. And as a belated moving in present they gave us five low-energy light bulbs.
Our turf is ordered and should be arriving on Saturday. Apparently it’s going to be scorchio this weekend, so sun cream and floppy hats are the order of the day methinks. We ordered a special mix that is called the drought buster. It needs less water in the first two weeks than traditional turf. Our pots are already beginning to show signs of life and my three mystery bulbs (I bought them over a year ago, and have been stuck in a drawer ever since) are shooting up and looking very healthy. Part of the excitement of course is that I have no bloody idea what they are!
My partner’s tomato plants are propagating on the kitchen table and should be ready to plant in the next couple of weeks. And we now have Geraniums on our windowsills at the front of the house. I think I may have scored a free water butt as well!


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