Monday, August 21, 2006


I know some of you have been reading this and keeping up to date with things, the latest news is that my mum was admitted into hospital yesterday morning. Since the lumber punch she had developed another headache (very common after LP's) and felt nauseous again. However, bearing in mind that severe headaches were the reason she had had two brain scans, we thought it was a continuance of what she was already suffering with...
We decided we would go down to Lewes on Saturday to see our friend and watch the outdoor play at the castle. And despite what happened next, I'm glad we did. It was wonderful to see him and the play was very good with laugh out loud moments. There is something quite glorious to be sat in the grounds of an impressive castle, eating nice food, drinking wine and as the light fails, watching moths and bats dance about overhead. Almost as good as the play itself!
My phone rang at exactly ten o'clock the next morning. It was my partner's brother who was dog-sitting. Call your mother, it's urgent...
She was in a terrible way. She hadn't eaten and not even drunk much since Friday. The pain in her head was excrutiating and she kept being sick. The hospital wanted her to come in ASAP and as I was so far away, her neighbour drove her to the hospital. She was so desperately ill she needed to be taken in an ambulance BUT the doctors at Guy's (or any hospital) cannot order ambulances to be sent out - different department you see! And if mum's neighbour ordered one, they would take her to Lewisham A&E even though it had been explained to them several times, they were waiting for her at Guy's! So in the end, she got driven there by a friend.
After the shock and the tears, my partner and I got ready in record time. We caught a taxi over to neighbouring Brighton where not only were the trains much more frequent, but they also went directly into London Bridge (where Guy's is located). We made it, the taxi driver rushed us to the station and we got the train with less than a minute to spare.
She was in a terrible way when we finally got there. They had given her several shots of morphine and massive amounts of anti-sickness treatment. She was also on a drip to try and replace some of the fluids she had lost. They had wrapped her in a foil blanket because she was hypothermic. By the time I left the hospital seven hours later, she was beginning to improve in tiny amounts. She was being attended to almost constantly by lovely nurses and doctors and she is in the best place possible to get better very quickly. And she will, get better I mean. But for now she is very weak and will need some time in hospital to get strong again. I've taken today off to spend the whole day with her.
My partner has gone away for the week with her own mum on a walking holiday. She wanted to cancel the trip but I was curiously determined she should go. After all, it's a stressful time for her as well right now and this trip has been planned for a while. She left this morning and I miss her already (the dog's fed up too!) but I'm so glad she's gone in a way. I just want her to feel fit and refreshed and I do think that's exactly how she will come back to us.


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