Monday, July 24, 2006

Don't feed the dog!

Thanks to people feeding Pluto at the party, he’s been sick Sunday and today. I guess it’s hard to resist those big brown eyes and goofy grin, and people think, what harm can a bit of burger do? Well, let me tell you, it’s not even the burger so much, it’s the mustard, the ketchup, the seasoning, the white bread and the onion that come with it! And with over 50 people at our party, even if just half of those people gave him a bit of something that adds up to a lot of food and you can perhaps begin to understand why he had diarrhoea and was physically sick yesterday and still has a sore tummy today and is generally feeling very fed up! And yesterday, the boys threw a burger for him over the fence. STOP IT! I would hope that people don’t give stuff to kids without checking with the parents or guardians, please do dog owners the same courtesy. You may think ‘miserable cow!’ if I say no, but we have our reasons and they all revolve around the health of our animals.
OK, moan over, he will get better and he shouldn’t be such a greedy guts but it does drive me mad…
Back at work and so far it’s going well. My boss was, I think, very pleased that I pushed ahead with working on the web and it has made my life easier. As for the other project that’s giving me so much stress; my attitude is the quicker I do it, the quicker it is off my to-do list!
I actually have two days off this week. I was going to cancel them, however, I’ve decided that as I’m still not 100% it would be very sensible of me to take them off and get that little bit of extra rest. I do have plans (nothing exciting, you might as well go and make a cup of tea…) I need to finish the children’s book – just need to add some pictures I took recently, I need to write to agents to see if I can get them interested in the three (adult) novels I’ve already written*, there are some seeds that need planting and finally some rugby work. I also want to take the dog out for the afternoon, Crystal Palace maybe.

* Before I got ill I was on a ‘women in management’ course and it made me revaluate what I wanted, in the sense that I always have wanted to make my living from writing and that’s not really happening at the moment. So, I’m writing to agents again to try and push my work… I guess the organisation I work for would be a little surprised if they knew the course they paid for has made me even more determined to give up working for them and start working for myself...


At 9:00 pm, July 24, 2006 , Blogger p said...

Sorry to hear about Pluto - I know exactly where you're coming from! Years ago, my Mom had made a birthday cake as a surprise for my sister in the shape of a carosel, with little horses and stuff. Well, it was hidden in her bedroom and everyone was told to keep the door shut. Someone forgot and the dog ate the whole cake, decorations, candles and all.

She barfed for three days afterwards, I thought my Mom was going to kill the poor thing.

Hope Pluto is feeling better now.

At 10:22 pm, July 24, 2006 , Blogger retrogooseuk said...

He's feeling much better now! He just tried to kill the hoover which is always a good sign... x


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