Sunday, July 09, 2006


Not since a nasty run in with the South African Dutch Reform church had I been surrounded by so many religious types as I was last night! It was our friends thirty three and a third birthday and as this was the age when the big JC was crucified, he decided that the theme should be Jesus and Religion. People made a real effort and I was blessed quite a number of times, which is always nice. Great party, nice people and a pretty cool band, Paleday which boyfriend of birthday boy called creamier than a gay cow… I don’t understand?!
However, there was a downside to the evening – nothing to do with the party. We were on the bus to London Bridge where we intended to get a black cab the rest of the way home. Around Bank, the bus stopped and two lads dragged a comatose girl onto the bus. Yes, dragged. The bus driver asked them what was going on and they replied, it’s OK, she’s had too much to drink, she’s asleep, she’ll be fine. To which I piped up, someone in that state is not asleep, they are unconscious. She was lying on a London pavement, dragged onto a bus and they were shaking her repeatedly and she wasn’t responding at all: this was someone in trouble. A passenger tried to help and one of the fucktards with her told him to sit back down because she was fine. Miraculously we pulled into LB shortly afterwards and they dragged her off the bus! This was too much; I called 999 who were BRILLIANT. They kept reassuring me that I had done exactly the right thing, but could they speak to the driver (who had since told the boys to get back on the bus and put her on a seat, not leave her lying on a bloody pavement). When I went up to the driver, he happily took the phone and explained he had already called a code red and that an ambulance was on its way. So when I got the phone back I naturally said, I’m sorry if I’ve wasted your time, I didn’t realise that the driver had called anyone. The ambulance operator told me I had nothing to apologise for, and our actions could have saved her life. Imagine that, strangers being more concerned for this woman than her boyfriend and friend. I hope for their sake, but more for hers that the paramedics got to her in time. Because whilst I’m no expert, she was in a very, very serious way and I believe, needed to be resuscitated immediately.
So what can we do for the people we love? Look out for them and look after them if we need to. We all get messy; I’ve been in situations where I have no recollection of getting home. I’m not proud of that statement by the way; slightly ashamed actually. But I would never let a friend drink so much that they collapse, or get to the point where they have drunk or taken drugs to excess and have become so unresponsive they slip into unconsciousness. And I would NEVER drag them on and off of buses.
I hope she realises, she (a) needs to never ever get in that situation again and (b) she needs to get a new boyfriend and some new friends! (I had a go at him but am half wishing I had walloped him one.)

Pluto was just dropped off by his boarder mum, Jo. He had a great time and really loved spending the weekend with other doggy friends. He’s very happy to be home though, he keeps licking my nose and dozing off on my feet.

Yesterday we took full advantage of not having to rush back for him and spent the day at the Syon Park Butterfly and then at this amazing garden centre opposite the Butterfly house (yes I realise that there is no way back to coolness with the statement “amazing garden centre” but I’m blowing a big raspberry at you all, it was great!) We managed to spend even more money but better broke and happy than rich and miserable I say.

Hope you had a good weekend!


At 6:45 pm, July 23, 2006 , Blogger retrogooseuk said...

Great party; but a sobering reminder (no pun intended) of what can happen when we don't look after each other I guess. Luckily we seem to be surrounded by people of the very highest calibre...


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