Wednesday, July 19, 2006

You have mail...

The good thing with being at home during the week (other than double bills of ‘Without a Trace’ and ‘Murder She Wrote’) is that you can take in deliveries. The whole being ill thing sucks, but I’m trying to keep things in perspective. This morning we’ve had 15 lavender plants delivered and a book I ordered, ‘How to be a Gardener’ by Alan Titchmarsh (is it me or is he really sweet?!)
The book will hopefully verse me in the basics of gardening because at the moment, I don’t have much of a clue and I would like our garden to be a working garden i.e., composting our waste, growing our own vegetables and attracting and sustaining wildlife.
Today is the hottest day of the year apparently. I say apparently because I’m in the living room and I’ve got it cool and dark. The dog is stretched right out – with as much of his body on the cool hardwood floors as possible. The problem with living London is that like every other big city; pollution is a real issue - and extreme heat causes pollution levels to rise. As an asthmatic with a chest infection, I’m playing it safe by resting and keeping cool. Not least because I need to get better for the party!!
We have a lot to do before the party (we drew up a big list yesterday, but actually it didn’t daunt us, we just started to get excited!). The idea is to get as much done before the party and then sit back and enjoy ourselves… We are getting a jump on the cleaning by hiring the carpet cleaner again, and the shopping will be delivered on Saturday morning.
Right, I have some daytime TV to watch, expect another blog entry soon… I’m starting to get bored now!


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