Sunday, July 29, 2007

Captain Chaos

It was chaos...

We went down to stay with our best man in Brighton this weekend, and although he has cats we figured the animals would all settle down and if they didn't like each other, stay out of each other's way. Unfortunately it didn't quite work like that! In the end, they all had to be kept apart - Pluto wanted to play, Abby wanted a punch up, Oscar wanted a valium and the other cat, Tim I think, just wanted to be left alone and didn't know what all the fuss was about! Pluto was desperate to get to know these strange creatures and became fixated on trying to be wherever they were... I think it's fair to say, everyone is pretty exhausted. Especially as he slept with us and kept us up all night whining because we wouldn't let him sleep with them (he hasn't quite figured out that the cats hate him. He just thinks there's just been a terrible misunderstanding and if he was allowed to jump on them and chase them, it would all get sorted...)

The neighbours in the posh square where our friend lives must have wondered what the hell was going on next door: Pluto barking, the cats meowing and us shouting at the various animls to pack it in...

Despite this, we had a great time. The house is lovely and we got very drunk last night - which meant we all suffered terribly this morning.

We had a lovely walk along the beach, popped in to see the grandparents again and then made our way home. No problems with traffic thankfully and after a quick pizza I am going to fall into bed.

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