Sunday, October 28, 2007

No place like home

Ok, where to start (I'm excited so I may jump about a little). We visited the mortgage advisor on Saturday and she was great and more importantly it was good news: the amount we could borrow, repayments etc. So afterwards, excited at the possibilities, we went to Maggies cafe in Lewisham for breakfast (highly recommended: great service, tasty grub and with the breakfast, unlimited toast and tea or coffee. Lovely). Anyway we had a mooch around the shops afterwards, I bought two jumpers (both of which have to be taken back. I never ever try things on in store!) Next we went to Pets at Home in Greenwich primarily for dog chow (which didn't explain the toys and treats we bought as well...) and then headed home.

For the rest of the day I checked in and out of various property and land for sale websites in Cornwall, Devon and Somerset and occasionally shouted out randomly LET'S BUY A HOUSE! (It can't be easy living with me.) We saw a few places and sent off some emails. Then had a lovely dinner and watched Elizabeth on TV - great film but some real stomach churning scenes, I'll be trying to see the sequel at the cinema.

Anyway, I digress. Today I decided that because my knees are so sore I needed to take some drastic action i.e. spend the day in bed. Which sounds great, but I'm such a fidget I find resting very, very difficult. (My partner will say, have you rested? To which I reply, yes! I just happen to have done all the laundry, changed the bedding, done the washing up, hoovered the front room and walked the dog as well!)

So we've spent the morning looking for property (tucked up in bed with tea and listening to the rain, with the dog asleep besides us)- and we think we've found somewhere! Now I don't want to go into too much detail because we're right at the beginning of the process and it might not lead anywhere. But we can afford it, it's in a gorgeous location, and it's pretty much exactly what we want. If you're reading this, keep your fingers crossed for us. I think good advice for buying property is expect the worst, hope for the best...!

We're both being realistic, but can't help but feel very excited as well. Oh dear, let's hope they get back to our enquiry soon...

PS. The racist grafitti in our local park has been removed. Well done Lewisham Council.



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