Saturday, April 15, 2006


I've decided that the only way to get through the next three weeks is to do stuff. Last night I felt miserable knowing my partner was thousands of miles away - and thousands of miles up. (Incidentally they landed safely this morning.)
The boys upstairs were lovely; we shared a Chinese, had several large vodka's and watched the Will and Grace episode they did live - hysterically funny. In fact at one point I was a little hysterical but I am experiencing a lot of heightened emotion right now!
So I have set myself some achievable tasks (let's just hope I achieve them!): put up our gorgeous new bathroom cabinet, finish painting the hall way, dig over the garden again, sort out my MP3 player (OK, that's really a me thing rather than an us thing), get our drain sorted, get all the stuff out of the hallway and... somewhere else. And then I'm sure there will be several other bits and pieces. But basically I want her to come back to the same lovely house, just a little bit more organised. Out letting agents - who are utterly, utterly useless - are finally going to sort out the drain outside the kitchen after lots of emails and phone calls. It needs rodding basically. And although I won't be physically doing the work, to have that sorted by the time she gets back will be a HUGE achievement. Our neighbours will be delighted as well. The dirty water runs off into their garden. Dirty water can smell, but worse they have a little boy who probably steps in it! But they are lovely people and will be invited to our summer jamboree (more of that later). In the meantime though I'll take round a bottle of wine for their patience...
Pluto slept OK but was a little anxious in the evening when he went to bed. Partly because my partner had gone away, partly because there are foxes in the garden and partly because he's a young dog that still needs to settle down and find his place in the world after a really lousy start to life. Sorry to be a little philosophical (on a blog, is that appropriate?!) but while dogs are dogs and humans are humans, we still share emotion and we go through remarkably similar processes. Although to be fair I've never stolen socks...
We'll go for a long walk today and I'll take some sausage which is one of his favourite treats.
So summer jamboree! Well, more accurately, a bit of a summer party with a bar-b-q and live music. Although our plan for this wee hootenanny, depends on good weather and a decent garden. And vanity dictates that I finish all the decorating and we get all the boxes sorted before throwing open the house like a royal garden party (let's face it they only have the one queen, there will be quite a few at our bash!)
Well, it's still early for a Saturday morning and I have to draw up a to-do list. By the way, I live in London, but they publish the US time on this blog, so it looks like I write at really odd hours. But I don't, I keep fairly regular hours, with the occasional exception. I don't want all my invisible fans to worry that I'm not getting enough sleep :0)


At 11:30 am, April 15, 2006 , Blogger The Net Dog said...

I'm so glad you are enjoying your blog. I hadn't checked it in a few days. WOW! You've been busy.
Keep it up!

At 12:31 pm, April 18, 2006 , Blogger retrogooseuk said...

It's brilliant and utterly addictive! It's like an online confessional! Can't seem to include yours' and Phil's blog links though, am I being stupid? Probably...
See you soon I hope. Ax


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