Thursday, August 24, 2006


My mum is coming home! Her recovery has been extraordinary. From hypothermia, dehydration and chronic pain and nausea to sitting up in bed and yesterday, eating a meal! (When she ate something on Tuesday, it was the first time she has eaten since Friday morning.)
She's still very weak and will need to rest, but being in her own home will make that rest more meaningful. We bought her some flowers on Tuesday and she received a stunning orchid plant from her friends on Wednesday. I briefly flirted with the idea of getting ill myself if the quality of flowers you receive is anything to go by.
I've been trying to look after myself so I can look after her. I can't seem to shake this tiredness though (which I'm sure has everything to do with sadness and worry) and I haven't been eating all that well. Although I have been eating healthy lunches which I'm sure makes a difference. I have a weakness (well, many, but this one I'm prepared to admit) I LOVE the series Doc Martin starring Martin Clunes about a doctor in Cornwall. I recently ordered the second series on DVD and have been coming home, walking the dog and then watching that. So my evenings have been enjoyable and very gentle.
My partner is having a great time in Wales - gorgeous countryside and lot's of walking. We're missing each other but we've been sharing lot's of texts and talking in the evening. And I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a little present when she gets back so it's not all bad, lol!
One of the boy's popped in from upstairs this morning. They had just been to Brussels and bought us some lovely chocolates and a very funny fridge magnet featuring a dog and some beer... two of my favourite things!
Right, I have a friend coming over and we're going to walk the dogs together so I need to get a move on. After which, off to the hospital to pick mum up and tonight, yes, you guessed it, I'm watching the last episode of series 2 :0)


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