Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sign a pledge for safety...?

A very experienced cyclist died last week after being hit by a car. The car driver was at fault. My partner is a cyclist and I do sometimes worry about her cycling, because sadly since starting to drive myself I've seen some REAL idiots behind the wheel. So I've just emailed Slightly who is a big cheese in London Cycling Campaign. I want the LCC to adopt a new pledge to be signed not by cyclists, but car driver:

"We the undersigned car owner pledge to support the creation of new cycle lanes, to reduce our speed when approaching cyclists and to always allow the same room as we would a car, when overtaking a cyclist."

Then you could add your full name, car make and reg no on the pledge/petition and it could be used in campaign work to illustrate that it's not just cyclists that have concerns about inconsiderate and dangerous driving, but other car owners too...

A small thing, but if it makes someone slow their speed, and in turn prevent an accident, then it's a very good thing indeed.


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