Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Cold shoulder

My work colleague (you remember, the one I was ranting about before Christmas) when confronted by complaints of shoddy time keeping and rudeness, has decided to blame me – for everything. I’ve just found out and am naturally a little bit pissed off. My boss wants us to go to mediation. I’m thinking of refusing. As another colleague has pointed out (who also made a complaint about her) that would be like saying I’ve done something wrong when in my opinion, his opinion and another colleague’s opinion, all I’ve done is bear the brunt of her lack of professionalism…

Why are people such c*nts? Why not say, OK, I admit I haven’t done my best and I need to pull my finger out. Instead of which they desperately look around for someone else to blame because lack of moral fibre and a large custardy streak of cowardice makes them unwilling to face up to their problems and take responsibility for their own actions.

It’s freezing out there today and I would have chewed off my own foot to stay in my warm bed with my warm girlfriend but alas, it was not to be. But the dog enjoyed his walk; meeting up with his girlfriend Charlie and playing with the enormous Great Dane puppy Millie. So he was happy, and by association so was I. You can’t help but smile when you see him throw himself around the park having the time of his life and then running back to you with a big grin on his furry chops…

Tomorrow is my girlfriend’s birthday. I plan to make her breakfast in bed and we’re going out to dinner in the evening. You see this is why I should keep my colleague’s behaviour in perspective – I have a very happy life, she clearly doesn’t!


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