Monday, January 22, 2007

Eastern European magic

Peggy is a wonderful car, but things go missing in her. In short, we've come to suspect that she has a black hole, through which things that get lost travel to a parallel Ford Escort. Until perhaps, you hit a bump and they travel back through into Peggy again...

First it was my MP3 player. Loyal readers (all 2 of you) will be much aware of my MP3 saga and I now suspect that whoever looks after me (now there's a guardian angel with their work cut out) caused all these problems with my ordering a new one because he or she knew, that my old MP3 wasn't so much lost as temporarily misplaced. One day we took Peggy down for a spruce to the hand carwash staffed entirely by Eastern Europeans. As ever they did a fantastic job and we thanked them, paid, got back into the car and drove home. As I undid my seatbelt, I blinked hard at something that was in my change dish that hadn't been there before. It was my MP3. Three months after it was lost. I was absolutely gobsmacked and delighted. In the cleaning of Peggy's nether regions, the car washers had found teh black hole and extracted my MP3, and left it somewhere I would find it.

Around the same time I lost the MP3, the boys lent us their Sat Nav and it came in a little zippy case. I got into the car, unzipped the Tom Tom and the case vanished. We looked, we really, really looked - using torches as well. But nothing, it was well and truly missing in action...

Some birds had crapped on the car - a rather vivid hue of orange and white, obviously they'd been on the cocktails and so I decided it was time for Peggy to have a bath this Saturday. Guess what, that night, after going to a party, we got out of the car and my partner said, what's this...? It was the Sat Nav case.

Unfortunately though we've since bought the boys a rather nice replacement case, genuine leather from genuine cows. So they now have two cases, which does seem a little excessive but there you go.

Eastern Europeans (or maybe it's just car washers), are amazing. They have magic abilities that go far beyond our understanding... I wonder what the weirdest thing they've found is?!


At 3:42 pm, January 30, 2007 , Blogger The Net Dog said...

I wonder if Peggy gets the socks I lose in the dryer?

At 1:12 pm, February 01, 2007 , Blogger retrogooseuk said...

Probably sweetie, that could explain why she occasionally stalls, she's coughing up one of your socks!


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