Thursday, April 19, 2007

You have failed your test

Had a lovely back rub last night and then undid all the good work when the bloody alarm went off this morning and I turned over too quickly to switch it off and wrenched my shoulder again. I couldn’t even bend down to pick up the dog bowl (don’t worry he has been fed, despite my disability!)
So I’m a bit fed up with it all to be honest with you. I realise my discomfort is minimal in the big scheme of things, but that doesn’t stop me feeling miserable after the fourth day of intense pain and interrupted sleep.

There were some crazy mo fo’s on the road last night. One car pulled right in front of me and literally missed scraping the side of the car by cm’s – not even inches, cm’s! I almost wet myself. The scum bag had two kids in the car as well, obviously their safety is negotiable. And then, almost home (and so grateful because traffic was hell and the devil was in every other car), I went to turn right. The road was clear, but there was a jogger so I stopped and smiled to let him know that if he wanted to dash across the road I wasn’t about to mow him down (they get stuck in the grill), he smiled back and indicated that I should go. So I did, and then a car pulled right in front of me, screeched to a halt, and this woman started giving me abuse. To which the jogger swung round, pointed at me and shouted, “you were in the right, you were in the right!” I wearily just indicated that she should get her stupid car, her stupid self and yes, her poor kids who were probably relying on getting home in one piece (get a bus) out of my way because although I wasn’t about to scream abuse, I was prepared to get out of the car, take her kids out of the way, get back into my car and then go straight over the top of her. To indicate that YES, I was in the right…

So here’s a serious question… what can you do? If something is weaving all over the road and you suspect they are drunk, you call the police. If a commercial vehicle is driving like a maniac, there may be a number on the van or car you can call. But what about a private vehicle, driven by someone who should not have a licence (although apparently these days, you don’t even need a chuffing licence!) – what do you do to complain about their driving? And if they don’t then, mark my words, they will go on to cause an accident somewhere else, because quite simply they don’t care. They assume their car will protect them from everyone else on the road, not realising the painful irony that it is us that needs protecting. If you’re involved in an incident a ‘near miss’ should you call the police… is there any point? Who the fuck knows.

I have a reflexology appointment this evening and the friend that is doing it, is staying for dinner and then I need to pack my bag for Dublin. Early start tomorrow; 08:30 at Euston to meet a load of bleary eyed but excitable Steelers, lol… can’t wait!

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