Saturday, December 29, 2007

You canute!

Can we stop a bad day turning into an even worse day? Like Canute, can we try to stop the tide? Is there such a thing as luck, because if there isn’t one can assume that yes, we can reverse ‘bad fortune’ and our day need not be a waste of makeup...

I’m prompted to ask, because as loyal readers of this blog (both of you) will know, I had a shit day yesterday. Lots of things went wrong. And today started pretty lousy too! At 6.17am to be precise. We are friends with our neighbours who live above us, they are nice people but we do hear them quite a lot – or rather their stereo and surround sound TV. We have told them but still, it does bother us much more than we let on. So when I learnt that they were going away for the weekend, I was pleased for them and for us because it would be lovely and quiet. Everyone’s a winner!

One of them has an alarm that is a stereo and it gradually gets louder and louder until someone has switched it off. It then plays at full volume – and remember this is a powerful stereo not some small tinny alarm – for an hour. You know where this is going don’t you? They hadn’t switched the bloody thing off. So we were woken up – and then kept awake as this thing blared through to us and the neighbours next door. Eventually, we had to make the bed up in the spare room and try and fall back to sleep. We could still hear it through ear plugs and in another room but exhausted, we did eventually fall back to sleep. Thanks to them leaving the alarm on, we can expect this to happen tomorrow and Monday morning as well! So you can understand why I’m pissed off and wondering if this is an omen for a bad day again? Everyone makes mistakes but this has happened before and I would have thought they would have tried a bit harder to make sure it didn’t happen again, especially not being here for three days.

It got me thinking what I can do that’s nice today. So I’m still in bed drinking coffee and I plan to start the day with a bowl of my favourite cereal and a long bath. Then later I’m picking up my new flat screen TV/monitor and seeing a friend at the same time. I also plan to take the dog out for a walk with another friend of ours and her dog. Which will make Mr P happy, and if he’s happy etc., etc. After which, who knows! If you’re wondering where my partner is in all this, she actually just left to visit her grandparents in Brighton for the weekend so she should get a lie-in tomorrow! I also just perused the Next online sale and found a lovely pair of jeans and a jumper. I’m amazed because unless you’re up at sparrow’s fart on the day the sale starts (either at a store or online I’ve discovered) you should expect to find bugger all. Certainly nothing in your size.

So if there is no such thing as luck, the rude awakening is not an indicator of my day. There is no chain reaction here, instead I’m slamming on the brakes and just saying NO! (Which also helps when confronted with drugs I’m reliably informed.) I am the captain of my ship and as such, I am determined to head for calm (quiet!) waters and sunbathe on the poop deck all day! (What the hell is a poop deck?) Whether I will be this calm at 6.17am tomorrow morning however, does remain to be seen. I can only tell you that Ladbrokes stopped taking bets an hour ago...

PS. I may also go get some pecan pie and read my Jessica Fletcher mystery novel - first time in print! Yes I know it's tacky, but I love that woman and when I saw you could get Murder, She Wrote on Amazon I was too weak to resist. Think Mills and Boon but replace the romance with moider and you get the idea. I, reader of Shakespeare and Dickins also love trash. Personally I think it makes me a much more rounded person, or it will if I keep eating pie and not moving off the sofa anyway...

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