Worth negotiating...
Today I called Sky and firstly got a nasty surprise, and then a pleasant one! I was calling to tell them that I was moving and all being well, with a fair wind in our favour, I wanted to transfer my package to the new address – no upgrades, no bells and whistles just what I have here, but there. I went from a call centre in India to a lovely Scottish lady based, well, who knows where. She told me that to transfer it would cost me £60 and if I was interested I could get Sky+ for £199 (which we don't currently have but would quite like). This seemed a little rich and actually, after having been a customer for over 3 years, I thought it was a bit cheeky to be charged just so I can carry on paying Sky each month! I am being a little simplistic because an engineer does have to visit and a dish does have to be installed and that all costs money, but I just suddenly decided to cancel the contract. I wasn’t being stroppy but when you move it’s just one expense after another and I felt enough was enough and so very politely said that I would just like to cancel the contract. She equally politely asked me if I would mind waiting on the line for a bit to see what she could “do for me”. It dawned on me she would probably try and negotiate on the price to get me to stay. Which was fine but I was quite certain I would leave anyway...
She came back with two options and let’s just say, I’m getting Sky+ and the installation for less than the installation price! I wasn't trying to be a tough negotiator, and it didn't even occur to me that they might be a little flexible on price rather than lose a customer, but I was tired, and I think I just got a bit overwhelmed with the all the costs associated with moving.
So if you do have a contract – phone, TV whatever, it’s worth asking them what they can do for you. I was polite and had been a good customer for quite a while now and so they offered me a deal which I thought was a good one.
Of course I then called BT (spoke to another lovely Scottish woman!) and they stung me for almost £130 to get a phone line put in at the cottage! Oh well... you win some, you lose some!
I managed to do all my moving house emails/telephone calls/letters yesterday and feel quite smug. Now there’s a job that takes longer than you can ever imagine. I thought my list was fairly comprehensive; credit card, bank, mobile etc., etc., but just when I thought I’d finished, I discovered a whole new list of people you have to notify; magazine subscriptions, charities, pet insurance...
Now to bed. I’m getting better but am still lousy with cold and now with added racking cough! We’re off to the Cotswolds tomorrow to spend NYE with some friends. Can’t wait!
Labels: bt, moving house jobs, negotiating a new contract, nye in the cotswolds, sky