Saturday, April 22, 2006

Getting the cold shoulder

My shoulder was bad this morning (so much for that bloody orthopaedic pillow!) but I've just made it much worse. I missed my footing coming back into the kitchen and grabbed the door with my left hand, wrenching my shoulder. I'm in a lot of pain! So far I've still managed all the washing up and to mop the kitchen floor, but I'm going to have to be careful what else I do. I will finish decorating the hallway - that's not a job to me anymore, that's a mission! Hot water bottles, muscle cream and strong painkillers will be the pattern of my weekend. Oh well, I have a couple of DVD's I wanted to watch anyway...
I think I know why Pluto has been barking. I don't think he likes the dark. He was a little bugger last night and in desperation I went back to bed and left the hall light on. There wasn't a peep out of him. We should have low energy bulbs everywhere anyway, but I don't at the moment (shame on me!), but if I'm to leave the light on all night, that will have to be a priority now. I'm also afraid of the dark and I do have a night light in the kitchen for him, but if he needs more light to feel secure, I happen to know exactly where he's coming from!
He needs his walk now so I need to get sorted. I'm going to try and do as much this morning as possible and then rest in the afternoon. Shame the garden isn't finished and we don't have a sun lounger - it's absolutely glorious weather!
PS. My partner has read the blog and knows exactly what's been going on in the garden, we spoke for ages last night! She seems delighted with the progress :0)


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