Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Turkey trauma

I'm currently taking donations to pay my next phone bill if you're interested. I called Rwanda for over half and hour yesterday and methinks there will be a few more calls like that one! My parter is happy and having a great time and pleased that I'm keeping busy. Are the three weeks over yet?!
This morning I was hopping mad with the dog; somewhat irrationally it has to be confessed. I hate litter bugs. I particularly hate it when people drop those fast food chicken boxes everywhere. For one thing, who the fuck are you to think I want to step in your discarded crap and for another, chicken bones are dangerous to dogs you fucktards. (This is proving very cathartic, bear with me...) Anyway, the problem wasn't a chicken box this morning (after all that ranting). The dustbin men had decided to do their own littering in the process of removing the neighbourhood rubbish, and there was an empty packet of turkey breasts with some meat juice in the bottom, that had obviously fallen out of someone's rubbish. Well, Pluto was on it like lightening as you can imagine and proceeded to carry this empty - but still tasty, apparently - meat pack all the way to the park and then half way round the park. He would not put it down for love nor money and I was so pissed off at him because he wasn't paying any attention to me and was ignoring me when I called him. He did eventually discard it, and immediately I realised that my annoyance was a bit misplaced. After all, he hadn't actually done anything wrong, just something natural to him as a dog. But the reason I get wound up is that one day he could pick up something that could make him really sick. That meat packet could have been a week old. I once had to sit up with him all night when he had an upset stomach and some kind of sickness bug, as well. It was horrible, he was in a desperate state and just kept looking at me and nudging my arm as if to say, make it stop mum, I feel terrible.
He guessed I was pissed off though and sidled round my legs, looking up at me with his tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth, which gives the impression that he's grinning at me. Anyway, apart from that the walk was good!
Back at work today - shedloads to do. There was an Easter Egg on my desk this morning, from my boss, which was a very nice surprise. Once again, buying my lunch on the way to work proved a very bad thing as I had eaten the lot by 10:30... I need to eat a bigger breakfast!
Well, back to the grind. Until the next exciting episode :0)
(Incidentally there are two other blogs you have to check out, but I haven't worked out how to link them, thenetdog.blogspot.com and philboze.blogspot.com - enjoy!)


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