Thursday, September 13, 2007


On Tuesday I went to a debate on feminism organised by the Women's Resource Centre and it was ‘mazing! I was actually there working; I was asked to do the photography for the evening. I was late: it took over 2 hrs to make a 36 minute journey. I’m not going to moan about traffic again, I’ll end up shooting myself. So hot, harried and feeling a touch unprofessional about being late (even though it wasn’t my fault) I didn’t so much park the car as throw it to the side of the road…

The speakers were fantastic; passionate, articulate and very inspiring and the most inspiring of them all? The Chief Executive of the Girl Guides, Denise King! Sorry, not sure that deserved an exclamation mark except that I honestly didn’t think the Guides were at the forefront of modern feminism. How wrong was I!? Quietly spoken but with real passion and knowledge she basically shattered any and every stereotype I’ve ever had about the Guides and our children are now going to join the Guides. Whether they want to or not.

I found it really powerful to hear that the majority of Guides when polled, replied that they identified as feminist; that they wanted to be more involved in politics and the environment, and that they felt they had a part to play in tackling poor self-esteem and unhealthy body image that plague so many young women – and men, and so had helped produced a booklet on the subject. And that all over the world Guides were doing really valuable work in their communities and for society. Go Guides!

I’ve always been proud to identify as a feminist and don’t understand the baggage and nasty stereotypes that dog the word and the ideals (but then I don't understand stupid people either and I suspect there may be a link). I want to be no more equal than anyone else, but I certainly do not want to be less than anyone else – for reasons of my gender or any other feature. And to be perfectly honest with you, I genuinely can’t understand why with the amount of violence perpetrated on women around the world (to pick just one issue), anyone - regardless of gender - with a sense of justice and humanity wouldn’t want to be able to say, I was never part of the problem but I did try to be part of the solution... whatever you end up calling it...

If anyone notices the changing of the seasons its dog walkers. We’re out at the same time each day, rain or shine and today as I was having a lovely walk with Mr P I noticed that it had become quite cool in the mornings. Car windscreens had to be de-misted where the temperature had dropped overnight and walkers were wearing jackets. It’s beautiful weather now, but autumn has definitely stepped up a gear. And I was looking rather excitedly at some Halloween events that are being held at a National Trust house in Richmond only yesterday. I can’t deny that although I muchos love sunshine, I am a winter baby. Rich colours, cold weather, fire and candles, Halloween and Christmas, lovely big jumpers, winter walks wearing a woolly hat that makes you look, well, special… I love shopping for Christmas and choosing a tree and decorations. I even bake more for god’s sake! Yes, there’s really no hope for someone who gets giddy about Christmas on September 13th… oh dear…

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