Sporting chance
I was on the BBC sports website this morning and there was an amazing picture of kids playing with a football in Uganda. Sports equipment is very rare in rural Africa and it got me thinking. I texted my partner and told her if she came across any young rugby teams, to get their details and I will organise for a load of equipment to be sent out. Hopefully on behalf of the rugby team I represent, but if they aren’t interested, I’ll go down to Decathlon and get stuff myself. All it would take is a couple of donations from our stock (although to be fair, towards the end of the season, stocks are low) and maybe going round with a tin on a match day to get a bit of spare change. £20 could buy you four rugby balls, for example, and could help make a real difference. So although she wouldn’t have been on the lookout for sports teams necessarily, I hope she finds the details of a young team who could do with a few bits and bobs. Not that I should be encouraging youngsters from another country to get good enough to beat England!
So that’s what’s got a bee in my bonnet this morning. I find sport, and the power it has to transform lives, very exciting. And if you pardon the pun, it should be a level playing field – why should one country or even club, have all the equipment it needs, and another struggle? Sport should be about sharing resources and learning from each other. Whoops almost slipped off my soapbox then…
Almost ran into – literally – bad dog this morning. Him and his fucktard – told you that word would make a few more appearances – owner came out of a side street and the dogs were feet from each other. I grabbed Pluto (who was slightly bemused at the fuss) and luckily the pit bull was still on his lead. Close up you realise how powerful built that dog is. He definitely has more muscle and weight on his side. Although the clumps of paint still in Pluto’s fur, must add a couple of pounds?! Anyway, disaster averted we headed home. It is an absolutely gorgeous day and I wish I wasn't working because I would definitely take the dog out for the afternoon and get some sun on my face and miles on my trainers.
Instead, however, I’m stuck in my office fiddling with my new phone! It’s very tactile and I keep find excuses to play with it, I’m afraid it might make me go blind.
This week has been a little easier work-wise as I have just finished several large projects. So I’ve spent the last couple of days catching up on admin, filing and doing the little fernickity jobs that never seem that important until you leave them for so long they become a priority. But my heart is definitely walking the dog in some forest or park somewhere…
There is exactly a week and a half to go before my beloved returns and I can’t wait. The house will look lovely, the dog will be groomed and I shall be waiting at the airport with open arms. But until then I have to get some work done!
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