Well, as more literary folk might say, I’ve caused a bit of a shit storm. I emailed the boys to say I didn’t appreciate their text and then outlined exactly what was happening with the old sofa and why there had been delays in its disposal (more of that exciting saga later!), I ended the message, “we live downstairs, if there is a problem, please just knock on the door.”
It was an annoyed email, but not rude and I honestly believe its only purpose was to let them know what was going on and that we thought their text was inappropriate.
I’ve received a crappy email this morning accusing me of throwing our friendship down the pan because I was sarcastic. Oh dear. Not a great start to the day. Added to that I have man flu (a common cold but if I were a man, I would be at home moaning softly to myself and working through my backlog on Sky Plus).
I do hope that is not the be-all and end-all of the friendship as they are generally very nice and generous people who we like having as friends, but if you can’t say how you feel, disagree with someone or show a bit of tolerance then perhaps, sadly, there wasn’t much there to start with. What a horrible thought, let’s hope for the best not the worst! Especially as we supposed to be giving them a weekend break for two nights in a gorgeous cottage in Wiltshire for Christmas…
Anyway, mine and missus’ day did start off much better than that. We went down the tip! We loaded up the car with the various bits and pieces last night, and then this morning hefted the futon mattress on to the roof of the car and we were off! It was supposed to cost us £3 but the man let us in for free. And believe me, that’s a big deal at 7am on a freezing cold morning with a load of rubbish in and on your car!
We went back to Ikea last night to get the covers for the new sofa and we got the last set. That’s so dramatic that I’ve even refrained from adding an exclamation mark to indicate just how serious it would have been had we not managed to get our hands on that last set. We were guerrilla like in our tactics, in and out, no messing. Saying that, mysteriously we still managed to pick up two picture frames and four candles. Damn them and their magical Swedish ways…
So anyway, that’s you up-to-date. I need another lemsip and maybe some comfort food.
Stay well…