Driving Miss Allison

I think I’ve mentioned before that I try to make the most of every moment – I fail miserably but I do try. I also believe in karma and trying to be nicer than sometimes you want to be. I believe that fate only works when you are ‘in action’, you can’t sit around on your sofa waiting for things to happen. If you are in the process of reaching a goal, and something happens that works in your favour or makes your life much easier, that’s fate. If there is a higher power, they don’t like lazy buggers. So if you want something, work for it, and they may lend a hand…
With all this in mind, I was delighted when I bumped into a fellow dog walker and now friend, this morning, and she told me she was taking 6 months unpaid leave from work to do the things she always wanted to do, because although I don’t know her very well I think she deserves it. (We’ll call her S) S is a cancer scientist and seems to work very hard and that sort of work takes it out of people so she’s going to do a bit of travelling, work on her fitness and do up the house and she is absolutely delighted at the prospect! Consequently I mentioned the photography course I’m doing at the end of the year (something I’ve always wanted to do, which work are paying for and which I also deserve!) and then I mentioned learning to drive and wanting to buy a car. Well it turns out S has one to sell! Her father, who unfortunately passed-away last year, left his car to her; limited mileage, pristine condition and… an automatic! At first S couldn’t bear to part with it for obvious reasons, but now feels able and she really doesn’t need a second car. I asked her to think about how much she might want for it and to get back to me. But as someone who knows very little about cars, this is a fantastic opportunity to get one from a trusted source.
Fate, karma and a wheelbarrow’s worth of luck!
Pluto had a great walk this morning, but takes far too much interest in people exercising. He seems to think they need his help and he will jump and gambol and run after people and sometimes he will get over-excited and bark as well! Unfortunately if you don’t like dogs, a jumping, gambolling, running, barking dog just looks bloody scary! So that’s an area of training we might need to concentrate on…
Only had three or four hours sleep last night but don’t feel too bad. In fact, I’m feeling positively chipper!